Page 25 - Oasis Skeen Buyers Agents - Rent v Buy
P. 25


          THROW A


          There’s that old saying that                         house. That’s how they get paid, so it

          goes, “I wouldn’t trust you as                       makes sense that people hesitate to

                                                               trust their advice.
          far as I could throw you.”

                                                               Real estate agents often get likened to
          Even if you’re built like Arnold
          Schwarzenegger, saying this paints a                 “used car salesmen” — saying and
                                                               doing whatever it takes to make a
          pretty clear picture to someone about
                                                               sale. But most agents are the
          how you feel about them.
                                                               complete opposite of that. In fact, you

          And that sums up how a lot of people                 probably shouldn’t even say that
          feel about real estate agents…                       about used car sales people! There’s
                                                               bound to be unscrupulous people in
          We just covered how everyone’s                       any industry. The whole “there’s

          selling something, and real estate                   always a few bad apples” thing applies
          agents are obviously seen as trying to               to both car sales and real estate alike.

          sell people on buying (or selling) a

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