Page 28 - Oasis Skeen Buyers Agents - Rent v Buy
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                                                               wants and needs (and get it at the
          We truly hope you’ve not only
                                                               best possible price).
          gotten a lot out of reading

          this but that it was also an                         It’s free. All you need to do is ask, and
                                                               we’ll send you a copy. Just send us an
          enjoyable read!
                                                               email, a text, or give us a call…

          As we mentioned in the beginning,

          don’t hesitate to give us a call or send

          us an email with any questions you
          might have about anything in this

          booklet...or even things we didn’t get

          into. (Well, real estate–related at

          least. We can’t promise we're experts

          enough at anything else you might ask

          us about, except for maybe Harley’s
          we do love Harley’s.)

          If you found this booklet useful and

          you feel like buying a home is
          something you want to pursue, you

          should also read our booklet,

          “The Ultimate Buyer’s Guide.”

          That one will give you an in-depth look

          at what to expect when you buy a

          home, from start to finish, and will

          help you find the best home for your

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