Page 20 - Rent v Buy
P. 20


         MONEY PIT

          The Tom Hanks classic The                              House and “Bob Vila” it into perfection.

                                                                 Some people can and do. But it’s not
          Money Pit is funny for a
                                                                 something everyone should take on.
          reason… ‘cause it could
                                                                 If you’re concerned about buying
          actually happen.
                                                                 yourself a “money pit,” there are
          One of the biggest fears almost every

          homeowner has is buying a house                      •  Buy a unit. You’re responsible for less of
          and having something major go                           the maintenance and upkeep.
          wrong — let alone a hundred major                    •  Buy a house that has been recently

          things go wrong, one after another.                     renovated...especially if they did the

                                                                  major mechanical and operational
          Usually, the fears are far greater than
                                                                  elements of the house, not just a pretty
          the reality most people face.
          Certainly very few people ever have it                  paint job.
                                                               •  Buy a home warranty. This will cover
          as bad as Tom Hanks did in that

          movie. But things can and do go                         you if something breaks and needs to
                                                                  be repaired or replaced.
                                                               •  Set aside some money for repairs and
          Things do need to be repaired on a                      replacement costs.

          house on occasion. Some are minor
                                                                 Owning a home does come with the
          and can either be done by the owner

          or don’t really cost that much to get                  responsibility of maintaining it, so you’re
                                                                 smart to take it into consideration. But
          fixed or replaced. But there are a few

          things on almost every house that can                  as long as you make a good decision on
                                                                 what you buy, it probably won’t be the
          cost a decent amount to repair or
          replace.                                               proverbial “money pit.”

          So, if you hesitate to buy your own home
          because you’re concerned about owning

          a potential “money pit,” you’re just
          being sensible and thoughtful. Too many
          people get carried away thinking they

          can just buy This, That, Or Another Old

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