Page 24 - Rent v Buy
P. 24



          Breaking news!!!!!!!!!!!!!                           single best investment in history as

                                                               there are people proclaiming that it’s an
          It used to be that if a TV station broke             awful investment and you’re better off
          into your regular program with urgent,               renting.

          breaking news, it was something truly
          urgent and “breaking” that might                     Here’s the most objective answer and

          directly affect you.                                 perspective you can get on that debate…

          Back then, though, there were only so  There’s no absolute right or wrong answer
          many stations, and they would all go                 to that. (And this is coming from a real

          off the air at some point in the night.              estate agent.) Real estate can be a great
          Now, there are hundreds and                          investment for the right type of person
          hundreds of TV stations, all running 24  who makes good decisions. But it can also

          hours a day, and so many of them are                 be the worst decision for someone who
          dedicated to news or “talk.” They want  isn’t cut out for owning a home or makes

          and need viewers, and they need to fill  poor decisions.
          the air.
                                                               The point is this: Everyone you see or hear

          On top of that, they need to compete                 on their soapbox may look or sound like a
          with the immediacy of online news                    credible “expert.” But looks can be
          and talk which now exists. The Internet  deceiving. It’s easier and easier for people

          is literally a platform for anyone and               to have the opportunity to look and sound
          everyone to spout off about whatever  like an expert, even if they literally have

          it is they think, believe, or want to.               zero qualifications at all.

          Regardless of what media you watch,                  So be careful about what you’ve been sold

          it’s almost as if there’s no entirely                on when it comes to homeownership. Just
          objective perspective. Everyone seems  keep in mind that almost everyone is
          to be on one side of an issue or                     “selling” something. Question why you

          another, trying to convince others to                think and feel a certain way. And look to
          think just like them.                                an objective expert in the real estate field

                                                               to help you truly determine if it is or isn’t
          Real estate is no exception. If you pay              a wise decision for you to buy or rent a

          any attention, you’ll find just as many              home, given your entire personal
          people saying that buying a home is the              situation.

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