Page 5 - Rent v Buy
P. 5



            “Oh yeah! Tell me this… If                               •  How high is the bridge?

                                                                     •  Will they be using bungee
            your friends jumped off a                                   cords?

                                                                     •  Is there water below?
            bridge, would you?”
                                                                     •  How deep is the water?

            Parents have posed this question for                 To insinuate that jumping off a bridge

            decades. The obvious answer is                       is a dumb move, without further
            supposed to be “No.” The point, of                   qualification, isn’t fair.

            course, is that you shouldn’t do
            something just because everyone else  Beyond that, you need to take into
            is doing it.                                         account the type of person who’s

                                                                 being asked that question. Are they
            It’s not even a question you’re                      daring? Are they comfortable with
            expected to answer. It’s rhetorical. In              taking a risk? Are they calculated

            fact, you’re not even supposed to ask                about the risks they take? Or, are
            any questions back!                                  they timid by nature?

            But that question could actually stand               Jumping off a bridge without thinking

            to be questioned. For instance:                      it through is risky.

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