Page 6 - Rent v Buy
P. 6
By giving it too much thought,
though, you risk losing out on an
incredible experience that wasn’t
nearly as risky as you presumed.
Such is the case when it comes to
buying a home versus renting one.
You need to take into account the
type of person you are. You need to
take into account the level of risk
you’re facing. You need to ask
While it might seem like a fairly hot
questions. You need to think for
yourself. topic, this is not a new debate. It’s
not a “now” issue. It’s as old (if not
For decades and decades, people older) than the question about
have claimed that owning a home is a jumping off a bridge.
smart thing to do.
The problem is, too many people
Also, for decades and decades, don’t actually think for themselves.
people have claimed that it doesn’t They just go by what they’ve heard —
make sense. not by what they think and feel after
giving it a decent amount of thought.
And that leads to people buying
houses when they never should have
and people continuing to rent when
they would have been much better
off buying.
So, when it comes to whether or not
you should buy or continue renting,
just make sure you’ve thought
through why it is you think and feel
the way you do...and not a matter of
subtle peer pressure.