New Era Newsletter 2nd Edition updated
P. 1

2nd Edition Newsletter
 NewEra Progressive Missionary Baptist State Convention of Alabama, Inc. NewEa Progresive Missionary Baptist State Convention of Alabama, Inc.
 Evangelical Board
To the New Era Progressive Missionary Baptist State
Convention of Alabama Inc. and its constituents. I amPastor Brian L. Johnson and I chair the Evangelical Board of our State Convention. It has been a joy to lead this ministry and win lost souls to Christ. Scripture teaches us, he that winneth soul is wise. It is our mission to carry out the great commission and make disciples. Over the past
year, it’s been challenging due to covid19 restrictions. However, it is our goal to continue the work that our Lord challenged us all to do.
We have shared the gospel in several cities and counties all over this state, but the work continues. We look forward to working with you
as we continue this effort and work as covid19 restrictions are being lifted, in a city near you! In closing, I amnot ashamed of the gospel, it is power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.
New Era Progressive Missionary Baptist State Convention of Alabama, Inc.
 Yours in Christ,
 Rev. Brian L. Johnson,
Evangelical Board Chairman 409 Lexington Ave. Mobile, AL. 36603
NEPBSC of Alabama Inc. Messengers From NBCA Int’l Inc. Special Board Meeting

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