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them will re-join when they find they want to enter a  MANCHESTER & NORTH WEST
        VTTA only event, but it would be much more  Ken Workman
        positive if their membership was worth enough to  M&NW group have made changes to the awards
        join automatically, just as they do with their own  structure for the 2020 season as we have
                                             introduced a new trophy for our own group
        Talking of members, I’ve recently had contact with  members, using the four events shown below.  This
        two of our more senior members of the Group.  I  competition will be known as the President’s Award
        had occasion to ring Keith Robbins – the only  and will be based on VTTA Standard Times (BoS)
        Honorary Life President of the VTTA – for the first  over the four events.  The awards will be divided
        time since his move to Lincolnshire.  He’s fairly well,  into five year age groups with medals or certificates
        though missing (a little) the club life he left behind.  I  awarded to the first three BoS within these age
        also spoke to Jack Williams, a very long term  groups.
        member of the London & Home Counties.  Few of  April 25 th  - East Lancs. RC 10 - J4/20 - Jonathan
        you will have heard of Jack for a while now, but he  Preston
        too is still well, still living in Acton (West London)
        and is looking forward to his 100 th  birthday later this  May 23 rd  - Warrington RC 50 - J4/16 - David Wright
        year.                                May 30 th  - Janus RC 25 - J2/9 - Phil Robinson
        Coming to the end of these notes, before getting to  July 18 th  - Seamons CC 25 - J2/9 - Charles Caraz
        the list of our promotions, can I just remind all of
        you that none of these events can happen without  The organisers contact details as per CTT
        someone marshalling, pushing off, timekeeping and  Handbook.
        so many more duties.  Can you be available for just  In view of the imminent new season, I'll repeat my
        one of these events? Remember a free ticket for the  appeal for people to help with events.  Most of us
        Luncheon or paid expenses is now the norm.  You  have probably benefited from people standing on
        can always ring me for details.      corners and doing various other tasks so we can
                                             race.  An event organiser's job is sometimes a
        Event Promotions for 2020
                                             thankless one, and they deserve every assistance,
        Sat 25 th  April 2pm - National VTTA Championship  so please try to make it less onerous by
        10 - H10/3a - Rachael Elliott - 07931 722817 -  volunteering, preferably in advance.  Cheshire area            locals can offer support to any of the events listed
        Thu 28 th  May 2pm - Don Byham 10 - F11/10 - Geoff  above, please contact me on the email address
        Perry  - 07808 905879 -  below, or on 07765 834161.
        Tue16 th  June 2pm - Mid-week 10 - HCC178c - Joy  At our Prize Presentation Lunch in November, Ian
        Payne - 01494 817658 -  Peacock, on receiving our coveted Lamp Trophy
                                             (for last place in the BAR), gave an appropriately
        Sun 19 th  July 8am - Ten - F11/10 - Geir Robinson -  humorous and obviously well researched version of
        07557 398469 -  the origin of the term 'Lanterne Rouge' as used for
        Thu 6 th  August - 2pm - Mid-week 10 - HCC178c -  the last rider on GC in the Tour de France.  In the
        Joy Payne - 01494 817658 -           Tour's early days, those riders who finished some                 time, perhaps hours after the stage winner were
                                             mainly amateurs who were then obliged to find their
        Sun 4 th  October 8am  - Rocco 25 - H25/4 - John  own lodgings.  As the professional teams had
        Hoskins - 07717 086689 -             booked most of the hotel rooms in stage finish         towns, and this being France, often the only
                                             available beds were those in houses of, shall we
                                             say, ill-repute, where a red light outside indicated
                                             the type of business transacted therein.  Thus a red
                                             light came to be associated with those placed at the
                                             rear of the race.  Having acquired several rear lights

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