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P. 31
as 'prizes' in my mediocre TT career, I was under (Central Lancs Running & Tri Club), 25:30 heading
the misapprehension that 'Lanterne Rouge' referred the challenge by the fair sex.
to the red light shown on the rear of a train. Other local vets in action were:
Chapeau Ian! Thanks to you we now know the Lynsey Astles (Weaver Valley), a tandem pairing
with Ben Norbury (Congleton CC), 26:39; Stephen
Tracy Rowlinson, who updated three group age Turner (Westmead Team 88), 26:35; Robbie
records, replied on behalf of the prize-winners with Harcourt (VTTA M&NW Group), 28:59; Paul
a spirited speech, thanking everyone who had Jennings (Lyme RC), took the over 70s prize with
assisted in some way with local events. These 31:07; Patricia Stacey (Lyme RC), 31:33
speeches were only part of the day's enjoyment. David Steel (Lyme RC), at 80, David was the oldest
Once again the meal was excellent and of goodly on the start sheet and got round in 37:01. But he
portions, those wanting second helpings were not wasn't the Lanterne Rouge, braving the cold when
disappointed. Our stalwart, Derek Hodgins returned 19 others decided not to bother.
with great humour to present the raffle prizes.
I hope I'm mistaken on this, and in no way is this
One of my interests is old movies, and I recently intended to be a criticism of the continuing hard
viewed a 1949 cycling related, British black and work put in by Dave Fearon (his ninth year as
white offering: 'A Boy, a Girl and a Bike.' The titular organiser) and his team, but sadly, this festive
'Girl' was a later Bond girl, the delectable Honor occasion appears to be losing some of its appeal,
Blackman, as a member of a small town Yorkshire with reduced entries in both 'serious' and 'fancy
cycling club just after World War Two. Also dress' sections. This is a shame, as this event was
appearing in early roles were Diana Dors and generally where I met up with old friends I hadn't
Anthony Newley. The 'Bike' of the title was a seen since the previous version. As usual, the jolly
distinctive French racing model, which was twice M&DTTA ladies served hot drinks, cakes and
stolen by Anthony Newley and suffered eventual sandwiches in Goostrey Village Hall, but the
destruction when hurled over the edge of Malham number of their customers seems to be dwindling.
Cove. Parts of the plot were a little implausible, as Come prize presentation time, there were seats
a rookie club member with little riding experience available where formerly there was standing room
took the place of an absent rider in a hilly Yorkshire only. Let's hope for better weather for the next
Dales road race and came fourth. The movie has event.
been repeated several times on the 'Talking
Pictures' TV channel, so if you get a chance to see I must also mention the recent 90th birthday of Jim
it, do so. Sadly, there's no time trialling, but it Ogden, a stalwart not only of the M&NW Group, but
shows some great Yorkshire scenery, club social our organisation as a whole. Best wishes from me
life as it used to be and roads almost devoid of Jim, and I'm sure from everyone who knows him
motorised traffic. and appreciates the decades of work he has put in.
M&DTTA Christmas 10, 15th December. Some, but not all VTTA members will consider
themselves sufficiently advanced in years to belong
Our last local event of 2019 took place on a dry, to the target market for a monthly magazine
bright and cold day. But this didn't deter Simon entitled 'The Oldie'. But I was fortunate to receive a
Wilson (Ribble Pro Cycling), from producing an subscription as a Christmas gift - it is written for
unseasonably rapid, near 30mph time of 20:06 to older people and has been described as a haven for
take the win - on the J4/20 course, one of our "grumpy old men and women" (apparently, I'm one
slowest! Simon was a whole 2:06 faster than of the former). The magazine has played up to its
runner-up Alistair Ribbands (Manchester Wheelers), image over the years with such slogans as; "Buy
who, with a further margin of 51 seconds, beat two The Oldie before you snuff it." There is a wide
riders into a tied 3rd place; junior, Matthew Finegan range of interesting and often humorous articles by
(Cycle Sport Pendle), and V40 vet, Rob Pollen regulars such as Gyles Brandreth, plus guest
(Ashley Touring CC). Rebecca Rimmington (Team contributors. 'The Oldie' seems to be available only
Merlin) finished with 24:01, Anna Weaver (East by subscription, so you can't buy it in a newsagent,
Lancs RC) rode to 24:59, with Kim Baptista's