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opinions and suggestions which I could also winning the Ken Hartley Cup, with a massive
consider. +133.71 miles. The season long competitions were
reported in the December Veteran. Congratulations
to the above, those that won standard medals
YORKSHIRE and/or plaques. Forty-five of fifty-two entering for
Chris Goode standard awards were successful.
On as sad note, our thoughts are with Pete Read’s Karen Taylor had her first trip to the CTT
family, after his death last month; our cycling Champions night after winning the veteran category
experience has been greater for knowing him and in the Sigma Classic series and also placing third
being pushed off by him, following a quick forty overall. Well done to her and to Vive le Velo who
second check on the form of the rider. were the second team in the BAR, with Darren
Pete was a very successful coach, an early Yarwood, Neil Cleminshaw and Andy Askwith
advocate of turbo training and the driving force playing the starring roles.
behind the all conquering Team Swift. Mike Please put your name forward to help with our
Williams has written an obituary appearing events this season. The first event is a 25 mile TT
elsewhere in this edition of The Veteran. on 12 April, the National 30 mile TT on 20 th June
The Yorkshire VTTA group enjoyed an excellent and a 10 mile TT on 19 th September. Have a look
lunch at the Bridge Inn, thanks to the organisation at the group card and the CTT handbook for more
of Mike Williams. Sixty-six were present with us details.
celebrating our 75 th anniversary this year. The Jymmy reports that so far 38 riders have applied for
Chairman, Chris Goode, welcomed Andrew (the standard awards for the 2020 season. Good luck to
National VTTA chairman) and Sara Simpkins, who you all, get the high intensity interval in, look after
had made the journey from the Midlands. Andrew your core, bones and diet and you will do well.
brought us up to date with the key points from the
National AGM, notably informing those present of I have just finished reading a book about the
the proposal that the season long competition political and personal friendship between David
standings would be live on the website throughout Lloyd George and Winston Churchill which spanned
the season, hopefully to be implemented during 45 years. Many in the VTTA will have been club
2020. He praised the high number of members mates and rivals for longer than this. Despite their
winning plaques and medals. Jymmy Trevor’s difference of opinions on some issues Churchill and
efforts as recorder, Tony Stott as secretary, George Lloyd George’s common goals, humour and
Young as treasurer plus all the race organisers Blair appreciation of each other’s strengths maintained
Buss, Mike Williams and Mike Penrice’s their friendship. There are similarities in terms of
contributions were all highlighted, with thanks given respect and fellowship between us, as cyclists, that
to all other helpers alongside John Hallas, the bind us together. Liverpool FC may be having a
website administrator. Thank you very much. good run over the last year, but it is nowhere near
as good as the Yorkshire VTTA at 75 years, with
Fiona Sharpe (Team Swift) was awarded the members still pedalling into their eighties,
Women’s B.A.R. Harry McKechnie Trophy. organising events, dining together, helping each
Congratulations are due to Simon Beldon (Team other out and celebrating continuing success. Long
Bottrill) for winning the ten mile trophy with +6.34, may it continue and working in tandem with the
all the more impressive as this was his first race National VTTA.
after a long period of recuperation, following a
collision with a vehicle. Steve Ayres (Bronte I will close by welcoming three new members this
Wheelers) picked up the 25 mile Oliver Shield quarter: Ross Burton (Calder Clarion), Cheryl Anne
+13.27; Andy Jackson (Aerocoach) was successful Quigley (Hull Thursday RC) and Colin Dickens
for the 50 mile Yorkshire VTTA Shield +31.50, (Yorkshire Coast Clarion). Colin has ridden a trike
Darren Yarwood (Vive le Velo) won the 100 mile for many years and was a member of Clifton CC
Charles Rice Cup +57.38, Darren Gough the twelve back in the 60s.
hour John Pickles Cup +65.81 miles, with the Ilkley
flyer, Doug Hart being the top rider at 24 hours and