Page 50 - Issue 64__FINAL_web normal
P. 50
National and group age records are listed on the VTTA website and national records in the current
handbook, however not all groups maintain or recognise group records. Following the upgrade to the
website this now lists records as soon as they are claimed by the rider, but they will still be subject to
ratification at the national level and will be marked accordingly on the website.
The onus is on the rider to claim for any record which he/she believes has been broken. To claim for
any record riders should download the appropriate claim form from the website (or request one from
their Group Recorder if unable to do so oneself).
In the case of road (ie time trial) records the claim form must be completed (with any appropriate
evidence) and returned to your Group Recorder. He/she will enter the record details onto the website
and, in the case of national record claims, will then forward the form to the National Road Records
Secretary for ratification.
For track record attempts it is necessary to notify the national track records secretary prior to the
attempt to ensure satisfactory arrangements. After the ride the claim form must be submitted, along with
the official timing sheets, to the National Track Records Secretary. Where groups recognise track
records, entering of the ride information onto the website by the national secretary will automatically
update any group records.
The website based age records system allows records to be continuously updated and viewed, but is
dependent on members notifying claims in a timely manner. It is for the rider to submit a claim form if
they believe they have achieved a record and this should be done immediately and not left till the end of
the season. Notwithstanding this, all claims must be made no later than 31st October or they may not
be recognised.
The 1st November will serve as the ratification cut-off date for national road age records, whereby all the
outstanding national claims which are still subject to ratification are deemed to be records or rejected as
they may have been pre-beaten. Certificates will subsequently be generated and the list of records for
the Handbook crystallised.
Planning will soon start for allocation of the 2021 National Championships and groups, clubs or
individuals wishing to take on such an event are invited to apply. The NEC endeavour to provide a
good geographical spread for our championships and would welcome particularly applications from
those groups who have not promoted a championship in recent years.
For further advice or to make an expression of interest please contact either the National Secretary or
the National Chairman.
Copy dates for the next two editions of ‘The Veteran’ are 18th May and 17th August
Contents designed and typeset by the Editor
Printed, finished and distributed by Quorum Print Services Ltd
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