Page 266 - 2023 PPIAC RMIC BOOK
P. 266

The primary perceived difference between a
                        reporter and a journalist is that the term
                        “reporter” is commonly used to refer to
                        somebody on TV who generally reports the
                        news, whereas the term “journalist” is typically
                        used in the context of a print journalist who
                        writes articles.

                               Critical difference: Visual.

                                       Show, don’t tell.

               How Westword

               saw it in 2004

               Brian Maas, best TV

                  “All too often, investigative reports on local TV stations are
                  frivolous attention-getters more focused on attracting
                  viewers during ratings periods than doing anything of
                  substance. Maass's work is an exception to this rule. He
                  regularly comes up with stories that are as solid as they
                  are intriguing -- we'd love to know his police sources -- and
                  he presents them in a just-the-facts manner that won't
                  make those with an aversion to tabloid TV feel like
                  showering once the report's over.”
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