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TABLE OF CONTENTS                                   THE PURPOSE OF THIS GUIDE

          2 The Purpose of This Guide                          At Green Cover Seed, our mission is to help farmers and
          3 The Power of Diversity                             ranchers regenerate God’s creation for future genera-
        4-5 Healthy Soil is the Real Key to Feeding the World  tions. As producers who make our living from the abundant
                                                               resources that God has blessed us with, we should be the
          6 Introduction to Regenerative Agriculture           most adamant and passionate conservationists. Not only do
        7-11 Five Principles of Soil Health                    our current and future livelihoods depend on healthy func-
       12-13 Ecosystem Services from Living Plants             tioning soils and ecosystems, but God has charged us with
      15-34  Soil Health in Practice - Real Solutions from Real Farmers  caring for His creation. Adam, the first farmer, was direct-
         15  Interseeding                                      ed by his Creator to care for and protect the soil. At Green
         16  Relay Cropping
         17  Poly Cropping                                     Cover Seed, we believe that we still have this responsibility,
       18-19  Cover Crops - The New “Weed And Feed”            and we are called to take the additional step of rebuilding
         20  Double Crop Companion Flowers                     and regenerating our soils. We are committed to educate as
         21  Growing Hemp Using No-Till and Cover Crops
         22  Interseeding into Cool Season Perennials          many people as possible about soil health, and provide as
         23  Avoiding the Bermuda Triangle                     many tools and resources as we can. This Soil Health Re-
       24-25  Grassfed Beef and Soil Health: Profit, Possibilities, and Promise   source Guide is dedicated to that end.
       26-27  Cattle as the Cash Crop
         28  Winter Stockpile Grazing
         29  The Effect of Grazing on Plant Root Growth                “Then the Lord God took the man
         30  Prevent Plant                                            and put him into the garden of Eden
         31  Regenerative Wildlife Ecology
       32-33  Natural Intelligence Farming                               to tend and keep it (the soil).”
         34 Biotic Farming
         36 Problem Soils: High Salts and Salinity                                  Genesis 2:15
         37 Problem Soils: Iron Chlorosis                      We acknowledge our own limited knowledge and expe-
         38 Problem Soils: Compaction                          rience, so we have invited some of the best minds in the
         39 Problem Soils: Heavy Clay                          Regenerative Agriculture movement to share their valuable
      40-41 Cover Cropping for Pollinators and Beneficial Insects  expertise and insight for the benefit of all. For some, this
         42 Milpa Gardens                                      Guide may be a reinforcement for what they already know;
         44 Quorum Sensing and Auto Inducers in the Soil Microbiome  to others, it may be the first step in the journey towards
         45 Biological Induction in the Plant-Soil Microbiome  healthier soils. This is by no means an exhaustive resource
      46-47 Nitrogen: The Double-Edged Sword                   in soil health; rather it is intended to be a concise and simple
                                                               summary of the big concepts and a gateway to deeper learn-
      48-49 Biological Inoculants                              ing and explanations in other formats. Think of this Guide
      50-51 Leveraging Soil Biology                            as a number of seeds that can sprout and grow into deeper
         52 Length of Green                                    understanding if you will but plant them.
      54-55 Resource Recommendations                           Many of the articles in this Guide are summaries. The
      56-57 SmartMix® Calculator                               full article, supporting video, and presentations are easily
      58-59 Cover Crop Mixes                                   searchable on our website:
      60-61 Legumes                                            We invite you to do your due diligence and further explore
      62-65 Grasses                                            any or all of the topics that we will touch on in this Resource
      66-67 Brassicas                                          Guide. We would be glad to hear your comments and feed-
      68-69 Broadleaves                                        back on this Guide, and are happy to provide additional
      70-71 Perennials                                         copies upon request.
      72-75  Green Cover Seed: Built to Serve You
         72 Our Team
         73 Shipping
       74-75 Infrastructure
                 See back cover for contact information                     Keith and Brian Berns, founders
          Cover Photo by Daniel Collier. Pictured is the Drop-Tine Fall Reload Mix

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