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                   Keep the Soil Covered                       can limit how much moisture leaves your fields from the
                                                               sun and wind. Good soil cover is like armor, protecting bare
     Do you value your soil? If you do and want to improve it,   soil from sprouting weeds which saves money, time, and
     soil cover or armor is essential. Soil cover offers the same   moisture. A diverse mix of plants will release root exudates
     protection  to soil as  a  spacesuit does to an  astronaut  in   (sugars) into the soil to feed the microbes which are work-
     space. It provides an environment that protects and allows   ing to create soil aggregation (glues) to keep our soil ready
     life to flourish even in harsh conditions. Soil cover is an   for when we do receive rain.
     investment that makes soil more resilient during extreme
     weather events. Drought, flood, heat, and cold can all be
     buffered by a properly covered soil.
     On our dryland Kansas farm/ranch we use cover to feed
     both our above ground livestock (cattle) and our below
     ground livestock (microbes). If you are grazing livestock,                                                         Photo by Chrisi Lemke Pinto and Jerry Lahners
     it is important to leave plenty of residue, not only to armor
     and protect the soil but also as food for the microbes. Don’t
     be afraid to “waste” grazing material. As the picture shows,
     residue feeds the soil and then soil feeds the livestock! Soil
     residue also buffers soil temperatures, keeping them cooler
     during the summer and warmer in the winter, allowing mi-
     crobial life to stay alive and working longer.

                                                               In the wetter years, soil cover limits the impact of raindrops
                                                               hitting my soil. It is estimated that raindrops can hit a soil
                                                               at 90 miles per hour (same impact as hitting it with a sledge
                                                               hammer). When this happens, small particles of soil are dis-
    Photo by Michael Thompson                                  lodged and plug up the soil pores and prevents water infil-

                                                               tration. Nothing is more heartbreaking to a dryland farmer
                                                               to see fast-flowing water rushing off fields when rain cannot
                                                               infiltrate the soil…except maybe the soil loss from erosion
                                                               that is caused by this! Proper soil cover, coupled with both
     On our operation we see dry weather more often than not.  living and decaying roots, keeps the soil pore space open
     While it may sound counterintuitive, I look at having some-  and allows moisture to be infiltrated deep into the subsoil
     thing growing and producing cover and residue as an es-   to be stored for future crops.
     sential part of our strategy to combat drought. I never have   Just as an astronaut would never go into space without his
     found that fallow improved our soil, nor did I get a check   protective suit and a knight would never go into battle with-
     for the banking of soil moisture, so I choose to fill my fallow   out their protective armor, you should never farm without
     periods with something growing. I am not saying that just   the protective cover your soil needs. Soil cover is an invest-
     seeding random crops is a good idea, but rather be a student   ment in the future productivity of your soil resource!
     of the soil. Dig some holes and see what your soil needs and
     then plant with a purpose and design a mix of plants that                  By Michael Thompson • Almena, KS
     will help improve your soil for future crops.                              Thompson Farm & Ranch

     Good soil cover limits evaporation forces such as the sun                  Michael is a farmer and rancher in both KS and NE and is a
                                                                                passionate Regenerative Agriculture spokesman. He also
     and the ever-present wind found here on the Great Plains.                  serves as president of the Colorado Conservation Tillage
                                                                                Association and is very involved in educating people about
     You cannot make it rain more during a drought, but you                     Soil Health principles.

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