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     Ecology is the science of interconnected relationships be-  into carbon-based molecules which nourish and sustain
     tween organisms and their environments. One of the most   almost all living organisms on the planet. 6CO2+6H2O =
     ecologically influential organisms on our environment     C6H12O6 +6O2 is the most important piece of chemistry
     is plants. Without plants, life could not exist on Earth as   in the world! The simple carbon sugar glucose molecule
     plants impact all four of the critical ecosystem processes   formed in photosynthesis is the basis for our entire food
     that sustain life. In fact, one of the biggest mistakes of soil   chain… and having breathable oxygen as a byproduct is
     science is teaching that plants and soil are separate ecosys-  not bad either! Ancient people used to call plants “the
     tems, when in reality, they are the same ecosystem. With-  mouth” of the soil, because without plants the soil does
     out plants you cannot call soil soil — which by definition,   not eat. Plants are the primary conduits of life-sustaining
     denotes life! Soil without plant and microbial life is just ge-  energy which is used to feed the biological life in the soil,
     ology – dirt and rocks! Soil is the intimate union between   which in turn feeds us!
     biology and geology. Plant-soil life is the most powerful
     geological force on the planet and without it, these four   2.  Nutrient Cycling
     life sustaining ecosystem processes would not happen and   This process occurs when plants exude their myriad
     earth would be a lifeless planet.                         of photosynthetically derived carbon-based molecules
                                                               through their root systems to feed a plethora of soil organ-
                                                                                         isms. In return, this soil biota
                                                                                         community mines, extracts,
                                                                                         modifies, and delivers nutri-
                                                                                         ents and minerals from the soil
                                                                                         matrix and “trades” it back to
                                                                                         the plant in exchange for car-
                                                                                         bon-based food. Additionally,
                                                                                         microbes (rhizobia and others)
                                                                                         can convert inert atmospheric
    Photo by Lance Klessig                                                               nitrogen that allows a plant
                                                                                         nitrogen into plant available

                                                                                         community to grow and thrive.
                                                                                         Plants and microbes are respon-

     If farmers, ranchers, and agriculturists are going to make   sible for over 90% of natural nutrient cycling, availability,
                                                               and production for living organisms.
     a sustainable living on the land, it is critically important
     to understand how the four ecosystem processes function   3.  Water Cycle
     and how critical plants are to these systems. These four   As plants and microbes collaboratively modify their
     processes provide daily services that are critical to all of   mineral habitat, they create super biotic glues that
     life on the farm, ranch, and other natural ecosystems, and   aggregate sand, silt, and clays to create a porous struc-
     indeed it is not an overstatement to say that all life on   ture which allows the infiltration of water. Infiltration is
     earth depends on these keystone cycles. These four pro-   the key to the water cycle and its importance cannot be
     cesses are interconnected and cannot function properly    overstated. Plants also increase infiltration through root
     without each other. If one of these processes is missing or   channels and protection from the kinetic energy of rain
     compromised, then the other processes will not                      drops. The amount of rainfall a farm receives
     function properly, which will diminish ecosys-    “Soil without plant   is irrelevant if the rain does not infiltrate into
     tem services and reduce our ability to produce    and microbial life    the soil. Many droughts are partially the result
     feed, fiber, and food for a growing world.         is just geology -    of poor infiltration. Additionally, plant evapo-

     1.  Capture Solar Energy                           dirt and rocks!    transpiration is a key part of the water cycle as
     Plants capture the sun’s energy through pho-      Soil is the intimate   40% of our inland rain comes from plants and
     tosynthesis and convert this light energy into     union between    soil creating humidity.
     chemical energy which is then transformed        biology and geology.”

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