Page 13 - baseline
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Executive Summary

              The Indian Textiles and Apparel Industry is known for   benchmarking system nor data were found for variables
              its commitment to circularity, which began with a rich   such as the quantity and quality of chemicals and
              culture of reusing and recycling textiles in some form or   auxiliaries used, water consumption per kg of fabric, etc.
              the other. Companies in the domain have been actively
              advocating, promoting and adopting circular practices,   Waste mapping is essential in the apparel business
              such as recycling, reusing and upcycling, to reduce   because cotton solids, natural and man-made fibre
              waste and promote sustainability.                   blends, and printed textiles account for a significant
                                                                  portion of total waste produced. Typically, cutting waste
              In a step to strengthen circularity practices in this   is sold as “mixed waste” and is divided hierarchically at
              sector, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale    its source into small, medium, and large pieces.
              Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and Aditya Birla Fashion
              and Retail Limited (ABFRL) are collaborating on     In apparel industries, cutting waste is collected from
              “Approaches for Circular Textiles and Apparel       production facilities and transported to India’s main
              Industry in India (ACTAII)” as part of the Indo-German   recycling and downcycling plants that manufacture
              Development Public-Private Partnership program      recycled fibre. Small-cut waste is shredded into fibres
              (develoPPP). The ACTAII project aims to help India’s   and blended with virgin fibres to produce recycled
              textile and apparel industry embrace circular economy   clothing. Pre- and post-consumer wastes are not                 Waste Type             End Use                         Waste                        Application
              principles by developing circular economy guidelines,   sorted or pre-processed, resulting in higher virgin
              circularity training modules, and collaborating with   resource demand. NGOs, brands and charitable                                                               Cotton sweep waste and waste       As raw material for allied
                                                                                                                                                       Downcycle & Repurpose
              startups through an innovation challenge.           organizations are major sources of formal post-                                                               from OE spinning mills             industries
                                                                                                                                     Fibre Waste
                                                                  consumer waste collection via donation campaigns and
                                                                                                                                                       Recycle                  Comber and Pneumafil waste         As coarser yarn for denim
              To start with project activities, a baseline study was   take-back programmes.
              essential to determine the present status of circularity
                                                                                                                                                       Downcycle & Repurpose    Denim yarn, End bits of Beam       Used to make ropes
              adoption in the Indian Textile & Apparel (T&A) sector.   The figure (see next page) represents the five current
                                                                                                                                     Yarn Waste
              The study was initiated with a focus on the sector’s   approaches to textile waste management: recycling,
                                                                                                                                                       Recycle                  Sized yarn                         Shredded into fibres
              current situation concerning circular business      reuse, downcycling, landfilling, and incineration.
              practices, and the challenges, hotspots and potential                                                                                    Downcycle & Repurpose    Blended and mixed colour   fibres  Bags
              areas of circular interventions. It was conducted across   Every stakeholder in the Indian waste industry attempts
              the value chain and involved various stakeholders   to maximize profits by selling waste, and soiled textile                                                      Knitted and woven white and        White and coloured
              across India that provided valuable insights into   waste is dumped in landfills since they are unaware of                                                        solids cotton cut waste            recycled yarn
              resource consumption, waste generation, and potential   waste utilization techniques.
                                                                                                                                     Fabric waste      Reuse                    Clean bigger and medium cut piece  Apparel
              areas for improvement. It was found that while
              considerable opportunities exist to reduce wastage,   There are various ways by which textile waste can                                                                                              Worn clothes are sent to
              challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, limited   be managed. The most common methods include                                      Disposal                 Soiled small cut waste             landfill
              Government support, and lower consumer demand for   downcycling, recycling, reuse, and disposal.
              sustainable products exist.                         Downcycling involves converting waste into a lower-                                  Incineration             Polyester cut waste                As boiler fuel
                                                                  quality product, while recycling involves converting
                                                                                                                                     Overproduction                                                                Stock lot sale Stock lot sale
              Academic stakeholders, the ecosystem’s foundation,   waste into a new product of the same quality. Reuse                                 Reuse                    Garments from overproduction
                                                                                                                                     & Deadstock                                                                   Stock lot sale
              were the first to be approached during the baseline   involves using waste products again without converting
              assessment. The study subsequently continued with   them into a new product. Disposal involves sending                                                                                               Bags, filler for mattress and
                                                                                                                                                       Downcycle & Repurpose    Blended and mixed colour clothes
              visits to various production facilities across the value   waste to a landfill or incinerator.                                                                                                       cushion
              chain, contributing to mapping fibre and textile waste
                                                                                                                                                                                Knitted and woven white and        White and coloured recycled
              in pre-consumer processes. During the assessment,   The best method for managing textile waste will vary                                 Recycle                  solids cotton clothes              yarn
              it was found that wet processing units, the most    depending on the specific type of waste and the                    Post-Consumer
              water- and energy-intensive processes following fabric   available resources. However, by combining these                                Reuse                    Outsized clothes                   Second-hand apparel
              production, contribute to high resource consumption   methods, it is possible to significantly reduce the amount
                                                                                                                                                       Disposal                 Wipes made from clothes            Sent to landfill
              and low process efficiencies. Neither a national quality   of textile waste that ends up in landfills and incinerators.
                                                                                                                                                       Incineration             Soiled clothes                     Municipal incineration plant
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