P. 16
Police are still combing through the rubble 1ooking for possible survivors that
specially-trained dogs are able to sniff out. No group claimed formal
responsibility for the incident which was preceded by an anonymous phone call
to city police stipulating the time and location of the disaster. The car, a
Mercedes stolen from the Ancona area in Italy, contained approximately 45
kilograms of explosives. Police did not say why the explosion occurred.
42. According to this news story ...
a. the explosion may have claimed at least one victim.
b. the parking garage was practically undamaged.
c. a traffic policeman was blinded by the incident.
d. police were unaware the explosion was to take place.
UN leadership
A battalion commander should not expect to take a unit's military
efficiency for granted. Unfamiliarity with directives and SOPS, slack
performance of duties, slow reactions, failure in requisitioning,
inadequate reporting or lack of alertness reduce the commander's
credibility. He should see that training is fully utilized in the period
before departure from the home country. Sound motivation and
morale are fundamental factors in all this and are based on realistic
training carried out by leaders in whose abilities the troops have
43. According to this text ...
a. a battalion commander should have faith in his unit's efficiency.
b. a battalion commander is responsible for pre deployment training.
c. motivation should be high even when training is lacking.
d. troops should be highly confident in their abilities.
Terrorism is not the only scourge
It is also time to declare war on disease in poor countries
TERRORISM is like a hideous disease, and sensible countries seek to eradicate it. But
it should not be forgotten that other hideous diseases kill and cripple far more
people, especially in poor countries. Encouragingly, recent decades have seen huge
progress in the struggle against sickness. Between 1960 and 1995, life expectancy in
poor countries rose by 22 years, largely because modem medicine prevented