P. 15

the missile in flight to the operator at          the  target  selection  and  final
                  a  remote  firing  station.  Hence  the             identification are made by the
                  following advantages are gained:                    operator;
                        the  operator  is  in  the  loop,     there is high impact precision
                         which  enables  him  to  pick  up     regardless of firing distance, which
                         the commands at any time;             increases in proportion as the missile

                                                               approaches the target.


                  40. According to this text, fiber optics...

                      a.  permit a highly effective strike independent of firing distance.
                      b.   are considered capable and flexible, but too expensive.
                      c.  allow the operator to see the missile but not change direction.
                      d.  are used by the operator to stop interference from other missiles.

                  AN  UNMANNED  American  reconnaissance  aircraft  disappeared  during  a  mission
                  over the southern section of the country. It was the first American aircraft to have
                  been lost in seven years, US. officers said Monday. The aircraft  - a relatively slow
                  Predator - crashed near a southern port city after entering the country from the
                  neighboring  no-  man's  land.  Local  TV  broadcast  fuzzy  pictures of  a plane  leading
                  American  analysts  to  conclude  that  it  might  not  have  been  the  one  reported  as
                  being shot down It was not clear whether an American attack Monday against an
                  SA-3 surface-to-air missile site in northern areas was related to the downing of the
                  unmanned  plane  However,  the  loss  of  the  Predator  could  be  significant,  coming
                  little more than a week after the country announced that it was improving its air

                  41. According to this news item ...

                      a.  the aircraft's pilot was shot down near a city along the southern coast.
                      b.  the American assault on the missile site was provoked by the downing.
                      c.  TV stations showed images that threw doubt on the identity of the plane.
                      d.  the Predator's loss was not a major incident considering recent events.

                  A powerful car bomb was detonated during rush hour inside a multistory
                  parking garage outside the Albanian city of Tetovo. The garage was leveled
                  although there are no confirmed deaths at this time. The police have cordoned
                  off the area; the garage attendant is missing and his chances of survival are few.

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