Page 192 - Countrysmart Nr 6-2020
P. 192

beloved drink can be traced back as early as 7000 B.C. It is said to have started in China, and since then became famous around the world. This means that it actu- ally existed before people started drinking beer.
To provide you with a better understan- ding of what is mead, as well as its types, we have decided to come up with this article. Our goal is to spread awareness about this interesting beverage. As you probably know, mead is made up of honey fermented with water and yeast. It usually takes weeks or even months to complete the process of how to make mead. It must be noted that each manufacturer of this beverage may employ different techniques in producing mead.
Now, let us go to the list of the different types of mead. These are the common varieties that you can find from various suppliers around the world:
To make this beverage, black currants are mixed with honey before the mixture is fermented with the usual components for mead. This usually has a tangy taste due to the presence of the currants. Just like any red wine, black mead can be served at room temperature for a better taste.
Sack Mead
The amount of honey added on the mead drink may also vary from one maker to another. There are those who want to achieve a sweeter flavour for their bever- ages, which is why they add the honey levels. When there are excessive or high levels of honey added to the mead, it qua- lifies to be called as sack mead.
Prova gärna hemma. Här följer två recept som vi inte har testat, men som kommer från Finlandsvenska matboken från 1996.
Tid: 4 - 5 dagar
Ingredienser: 5 l vatten, 2 citroner, 1⁄2 dl öl, 300 g honung, 1⁄4 tsk färsk jäst, socker och russin.
Så här gör du: Tvätta citronerna med varmt vatten. Skala dem med pota- tisskalare, tag bort det vita skalet. Ski-
va citronerna. Slå kokande vatten över citronskivorna, skalen och ölet. Låt svalna till 37 grader, tillsätt honung och jäst. Låt mjödet jäsa ett dygn i rumstemperatur. Sila och tappa mjödet på flaskor och sätt en tesked socker och ett par russin i varje flaska. Låt mjödet stå svalt 4 – 5 dygn innan det serveras.
Tid: 3-6 dagar
Ingredienser: 4 l kokande vatten, 4 citroner, 2 dl enbär, 2 tsk anis, 4 dl farinsocker, 1 dl socker, cirka 1⁄4 tsk jäst
Så här gör du: Tvätta citro- nerna och skala dem med potatisskalare. Avlägsna allt det vita, beska och släng
det. Skär citronerna i tunna skivor. Blanda skivorna, det gula skalet, enbären, anis och sockret i det heta vattnet och rör om tills sockret har smultit. Smula i jästen då blandningen har svalnat till 37 grader. Låt saften stå i rumstemperatur till följande dag. Sila den och häll på flaskor. Låt drycken stå svalt minst 3 dagar, helst en vecka.
    Another way of making mead is to add fruits with honey and water before they are fermented. Makers of mead have a wide leeway to choose different fruits to add to their end products. They have the freedom to add any type of fruit, as long as it will produce a delicious alcoholic beverage that the consumers will love or patronize.
This type of mead is also known as a bracket for many consumers, especially those who have tasted it during the early times. This drink is composed of malted grain. What makes it interesting is that the beer is combined with the honey during fermentation.
It is common that the mead drink usually has spices or herbs, as additives, to make it tastier for the target consumers. The output is usually called hippocras, which has the important components of sugar and spices.

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