Page 30 - 2023-2024 UCSD Med-Peds Recruitment e-Brochure
P. 30

Fellowship Specialty                                Institution

                                           COMBINED ADULT AND PEDIATRIC FELLOWSHIPS

                Infectious Disease                            Emory/CDC

                Gastroenterology                              University of Chicago
                Global Health                                 UCSF

                Renal                                         UCSD (2), University of Pittsburgh

                Endocrine                                     UCSF, University of Chicago

                Allergy/Immunology                            UCSD, National Jewish (CO), Vanderbilt, Scripps (CA)
                Palliative Care                               UCSD, UT Southwestern

                                                     PEDIATRIC FELLOWSHIPS

                Cardiology                                    Baylor

                Hospitalist                                   UCSD, U Minnesota, University of Wisconsin

                Pulmonary                                     UCSD
                PICU                                          UCSD, John Hopkins

                Neurodevelopment                              UCSD

                Hematology/Oncology                           CHLA, CHOC

                Adolescent                                    Stanford, Boston Children’s
                Rheumatology                                  Duke

                                                      ADULT FELLOWSHIPS

                GI/Hepatology Transplant                      UPMC

                Cardiology                                    UCSF

                Pulmonary/Critical Care                       UCSD, NIH

                Infectious Disease                            Brown, U Nebraska
                Heme/Onc                                      Scripps Green

                Women’s Health                                UCSD

                Underserved Medicine                          UCSD
                Geriatrics                                    Stanford
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