Page 37 - Women’s Yellow Pages (FlipBook)
P. 37

Multi Tasking – A Talent or A Torment?

              It is often said that women are better multi-taskers than men. While the statement is meant as a compli-
              ment, an acknowledgement of the ability to juggle many things simultaneously, there is a flip side to it.
              Does multi-tasking mean that women are neither as deep thinkers nor as able to focus on issues or task
              as men are? We are not trying to engage in gender warfare, but we thought it a topic worth exploring.
              After all, many of us will admit to being multi-taskers at some time.

              Talent Argument
              The talent argument is positive – you increase your efficiency and productivity, getting more done in
              less time by interleaving tasks together. For instance, right now I am writing this article, checking my
              email and throwing in a load of laundry. Just when I need to take a break, rest my eyes from the screen
              and retool my thought processes, the buzzer sounds and I take the opportunity to transfer the first load
              to the dryer. When you perform mindless activities in parallel with those requiring thought and concen-
              tration, the talent argument can be persuasive.

              Torment Argument
              Do you TWW? For the uninitiated, TWW is the text shorthand for Texting While Walking. There have
              been an alarming number of reports and videos circulating on the internet and traditional media of seri-
              ous injury to those who engage in TWW. From walking into buildings, tripping into fountains or wan-
              dering into traffic, when you see these demonstrations of multi-tasking gone awry, you shake your head
              at the examples of Darwin Award winners. There are states that are considering banning TWW, just as
              many have already enacted laws and fines for texting or handheld mobile phone use while driving. The
              argument is that the general populace needs to be saved from themselves – and having witnessed the
              behavior of drivers and walkers, I may have to agree.

              Which is It?
              So which is it? Not to belabor the point too strenuously, it can be both talent and torment or neither
              talent nor torment. It depends on the person, the priorities of the tasks, the amount of focus and con-
              centration needed to perform them efficiently without compromising quality or safety. Learn to balance
              concentrating on those tasks that require the focus and effort while multi-tasking on those less complex
              activities that can be juggled in parallel. You can get the best of both worlds – and applaud the talent
              while avoiding the torment

              Joyce Kane, Owner/President
              Cybertary Pittsburgh
              1525 Park Manor Boulevard, Suite 266
              Pittsburgh, PA 15205
                          * - Women-Owned Business
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