Page 35 - Women’s Yellow Pages (FlipBook)
P. 35

             AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY                              650 Smithfield Street, Suite 2400
             Phone: 1-800-ACS-2345                                Pittsburgh, PA 15222
                                          Phone: 412-594-2583
             “No matter who you are we can help”
                                                                  NATIONAL OVARIAN CANCER COALITION
                                                                  Phone: 1-888-OVARIAN
             EAST LIBERTY HEALTH CARE CENTER            
             6023 Harvard Street
             Pittsburgh, PA 15206
             Phone: 412-661-2802
             7171 Churchland Street
             Pittsburgh, PA 15206
             Phone: 412-361-8284
             See our ad on page 38.

             Your Body has Inflammation - What Is It and What Can I Do About It?

             My fellow Women business owners: A dictionary tells us that 'in·flam·ma·tion- a noun - is a localized
             physical condition in which part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot, and often painful, especial-
             ly as a reaction to injury or infection.'
             I call it irritating your body till it gets red hot and creates pain to scream at you! I know because even
             though I have no infection, nor have I experienced an injury, my lab tests show I have inflammation. I
             have repeatedly misused my body that it is now screaming back. I have not given it enough rest with
             sleep, not enough regular exercise, not eating enough of nutritious food at the right time, and not allo-
             cated ME TIME!.

             Our fiscal bottom line is affected because Inflammation leads to a variety of discomforts in our bodies. If
             not corrected this results in disease or medical condition requiring medical care.. a hot ticket to produc-
             tivity loss.

             This important topic bubbled to my top list of concerns because Health Care costs have risen a phenom-
             enal amount. This causes many hard-working individuals to skip routine care that over time, results in
             catastrophic problems. Are there easy simple steps to feeling better? Yes of course!

             The easiest way I have learned to reduce inflammation in my body is to listen to my favorite music. Some
             peppy, some soothing and some just RAD to fit my mood. Even the soothing beats of a water drum al-
             lows me to concentrate and write this article.

             Need even more? Well, this article is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Inflammation in the
             body! I have a large print tip sheet to post on the refrigerator to share with the whole family. "MrsCardi-
             ology's 7 Tips a day to keep the doctor away." Grab it here: There is a lot
             more there to give you ‘the rest of the story... especially after the Doctor is done with your visit’.
                          * - Women-Owned Business
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