Page 3 - Compliance to Recommendations
P. 3

Recommendations                            Actions taken                        Extent of

      1. Conduct and                   On February 23, 2018, The deans  100%
      Prepare the OBE                  of College of Nursing in ISU Ilagan  Complied

      Syllabi and attend               and ISU Echague requested Dr.
      Seminar Workshop                 Honorato R. Alzate, Regional

      of OBE Syllabi                   Director of CHED-R02 to send Ms.
                                       Marilou Malabug, the Technical

                                       Assistant for Nursing, to conduct

                                       a three day  Seminar-Workshop
                                       in OBE Syllabi making.

                                       The Requested activity came into

                                       fruition on march 14-16, 2018 at
                                       Isabela State University, Echague


      2. Tracer Study is               A tracer study led by Dean                       100%

      recommended to                   Edmelyn Cacayan with a title,                    Complied
      Monitor the                      Tracer Study on the Graduates of

      Graduates                        ISU Echague College of Nursing
      employability                    from 2018 to 2021 was


                                       Employer’s Feedback on the Job

                                       Performance of Isabela State
                                       University, College of Nursing was

                                       Conducted by Ruby Lisking on
                                       May 2018
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