Page 5 - Compliance to Recommendations
P. 5

Recommendations                             Actions taken                        Extent of

      Be Precise and be specific  During the Seminar-Workshop on OBE                    100 %

      with the objectives of the  Syllabi making, the College Agreed to                 complied
      program                          adapt the following Program Objectives

                                       INSTITUTIONAL OUTCOMES
                                       At the end of their ISU-BSN education,
                                       the graduate is expected to be:
                                                  Utilize research outputs or
                                       evidence-based practice in the delivery

                                       of nursing care.
                                                  Deliver the basic skills
                                       expected of a novice nurse.
                                                  Participate collaboratively with
                                       the different members of the health
                                                  Aware of the legal, ethical
                                       responsibilities in delivering nursing care
                                       to the patient.

                                                  Provide culturally,
                                       environmentally and gender acceptable
                                       methods of delivering care.
                                       Perform the role of client advocate in
                                       promoting health, preventing diseases
                                       and restoring health of clients under
                                       his/her care.

                                       Provide the possible safe and secure
                                       environment that may support every
                                       client to have a better health status and
                                       bring the patient to their optimum level
                                       of functioning.
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