Page 3 - Truelite_Smart Solar Outdoor Lights_Print File_28 June
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Over the years, Al Fatah International have es & warehouses in Abu Dhabi & Ras Al tional has paved a solid growth path with
developed an excellent sourcing network Khaimah backed by prompt customer ser- successful and timely completion of major
from different countries, identifying quality vice. Al Fatah International today is one of projects for a versatile list of clients such as
products to suit the ever changing market the leading building materials trading com- Dubai Municipality, PWD, MOPA, Musana-
demands of UAE & other GCC countries. pany in UAE reliable for quality and service. da, ADNH, DEWA, ADNOC, Emaar, Nakheel,
Having built an extensive infrastructure for Damac, Surouh, E.O., Dubai Properties etc.
storage, sales & distribution network with With great support from our sourcing part-
Head Office in Dubai & full-fledged branch- ners, customers & staff, Al Fatah Interna-
Truelite solar is an industry leading com- We have patented products in solar area Truelite has vast experience in supporting
pany in solar lighting solutions. Head quar- and roadway lighting series with integrated projects across the world, and works with
tered in the USA, Truelite operates in 18 lithium battery banks and controllers make many organizations for their solar lighting
countries with a unique catalogue of solar the light the perfect solution for commer- requirements.
lighting products. The products are unique cial, humanitarian and reconstruction pro-
in design, development and applications, jects. Our vision is to excel and to be the leading
with advanced technology back up for easy solar lighting company globally by devel-
use and maintenance free deployment in Truelite’s advantage against the traditional oping advanced solar lighting solutions for
most challenging applications. The lights solar lighting benefit the customers with our customers that exceeds their quality
are manufactured in the state of the art huge cost savings in the areas of procure- expectations.
manufacturing facilities, tested and certi- ment, logistics, installation and mainte-
fied for high quality standards. nance.