Page 4 - Truelite_Smart Solar Outdoor Lights_Print File_28 June
P. 4

                      27cm I 38cm I 60cm I 90cm

                   Solar for Landscape Lighting

                   SunScape Solar bollard  SunScape is designed to
                   from  Truelite  is  the  work all night with user
                   answer to the professional   defined settings for color    Key Features
                   landscape    lighting  temperature, light levels                                    Mono-Crystalline
                   projects with solar. Made  and equipped with inbuilt                                Solar Panels
                   of  extremely  durable  motion sensor and can
                   materials  and  certified  work dusk dawn. The    400                                     360°
                   IK10, makes SunScape the   system is a fully integrated   Lumens                          Lighting
                   industry leading product  product with built  in 6.2
                   in solar bollard lights.  watts PV, lithium LFP
                   The SunScape light head   battery bank and smart
                   is made of unbreakable  controller, produces 400   2 Days Autonomy                  Diecast
                   polycarbonate material in  Lumens, provides 2 days   Inbuilt Lithium Battery        Aluminium body
                   a curved design, prevents  of autonomy, makes the
                   dust accumulation on the  perfect choice for projects   Vandal                            Year
                   surface and helps 96%  and home use. SunScape    Proof Built                         3    Warranty
                   transmittance  of  light.  is very easy to install,
                   The design maximizes the   vandal proof and offered in
                   irradiance to the solar cells  standard colors and sizes
                   for better efficiency and the   with an option to customise   Working Temp.         COLOR
                   body is diecast aluminum  for project requirements.  -15°C~ 70°C                    3000K~6000K
                   built  to  the  highest
                   manufacturing standards.

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