P. 9
Protect Kids
Background : The Protect Kids company was founded as a development of the
Sunshine company, with the aim of protecting and protecting children's skin that is still
sensitive and needs extra protection.
Objective :
- To build good reputation in the field of healthcare.
- Become a key player in the business.
- To serve the markets, with exclusive marketing lines, excellence in
service and un-comparable quality of products.
- Be a friendly product for children (7-12)
Vission : To be a trusted company in providing safe and high quality skin care
products to childern’s
Mission :
1. Maintain product quality by using natural ingredients.
2. Be a product that is safe for children.
Personalia :
- President Director : Hanni Nurul Khoirun Nisa
- Production Manager : Jihan Salsabiil Noor
- Marketing Manager : Krisna Adi
- Finance Manager : Muhamad Dava Rizqi Chalik