Page 11 - satplat
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Organizational services

                                                            With human capital and a Satplat infrastructure, we claim to be a solution-oriented company. We

                                                            comprehensively address our client's project needs from concept to operation and
                                                            implementation.  We  ensure  the  correct  use  of  the  solution  through  comprehensive  support.

                                                            Providing solutions including: studying the current customer infrastructure, assessing customer

                                                            needs, determining the combination of hardware and software manufacturers to achieve project
                                                            goals, installing hardware and software at the customer site, and some of the solutions provided

                                                            to organizations Various are given below

         Crop composition map           The  most  important agricultural data  are  the         Predicting            The  fact  that  agricultural  holdings  and
                    And                 cultivated area and production estimations for each     product yield          partnerships have an estimate of the yield of their
          Area under cultivation        crop. We can make better decisions about imports          estimation           farms  in  the  coming  year  can  lead  to  better

                                        and exports if we know how much each crop is                                   planning. This is because if we have an estimate of

                                        produced.  Furthermore,  we  can  better  distribute                            income , we can better manage expenses .
                                        water  and  agricultural  inputs  by  knowing  the
                                       distribution of cultivated land .

                                                                                              Determination            Every  plant  undergoes  through  several main
                                        Natural disasters such as floods and fires damage
          Damage estimation                                                                          of                stages of growth during its life, in which measures
                                        agricultural fields. In agriculture and agricultural
          from natural disasters                                                          plant phenology period       must be taken by the farmer . For example, wheat
                                        holdings, estimating damage amounts is very
                                                                                                                       is susceptible  to pests  and diseases  only during
                                        critical. Using the algorithms we have developed,
                                                                                                                       clustering and grain filling . The farmer should take
                                        we can estimate the amount of damage caused
                                                                                                                       more care of his wheat field during these two
                                       and the area of  the fields destroyed .

                                                                                                                       periods .
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