Page 9 - satplat
P. 9

Growth period services

               Providing weekly reports                        Farm management dashboard                             Provide irrigation planning

                For the convenience of farmers, we have              In our website , there is a Dashboard where         The  main  water  consumption  in  most

                deployed an analytical team , including              you can register the boundaries of all your         countries of the world is in the agricultural
                agricultural  experts,  in  the  company,  and       fields and record all the information               sector . Using data related to soil type ,

                the task of this team is to continuously and         related to each field, including the type of        evaporation  and   transpiration,  soil

                weekly monitor your farms and prepare a              crop , type of seed , type of fertilizer ,          moisture,  plant  water  content  and

                comprehensive report of all the events that          planting date ,  etc.  This  dashboard is  a        information  related to existing  irrigation
                happen on your farm . These reports are              good management tool for landowners                 systems , we have the ability to provide an

                placed in your panel on a weekly basis, and             who have a large number of farms .               optimal  irrigation  plan  for  We  have

                all the strengths and weaknesses of your                                                                 agricultural fields  . By using this program,

                 farms are checked through these reports .                                                               water consumption in agricultural fields
                                                                                                                         will be greatly reduced and subsequently

                                                                                                                              the costs will also be reduced .
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