Page 199 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
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2 – The Power Of Your Mind

        For five thousand years, the wisest men and women of each civilisation and generation have searched for the secrets of human potential. More progress has
        been made in uncovering the secret in the last one hundred years, than in all the centuries that went before it.
                The secret of all human potential, in health, happiness, prosperity and fulfilment is to be found in the human mind.
                The workings of the human brain are truly remarkable. If our brain is the hardware, then our minds are the most incredible piece of software you could
                ever imagine.

        For many years now, we have accepted the principles of the conscious and subconscious mind. Prior to the human race arriving this level of acceptance and
        understanding, I suspect that the concept of conscious and subconscious activity within the brain was simply too incredible for our underdeveloped brains to
        consider, let alone accept.

        Before any new idea or concept is unanimously accepted and embraced as fact, the nature of the human brain is to reject it out of hand as unlikely, improbable
        or simply untrue.

        Fifty years before each life changing new discovery or invention is revealed, the majority of us would not have thought them possible, it was simply beyond
        our level of comprehension.
        If we had been alive in the early 1900’s, how many of us would have embraced the possibility of man landing on the moon, or the existence of the internet, let
        alone what can be achieved with computers? Going back further, how remarkable would the electricity have seemed to those who had previously relied on gas
        lamps? Advances in technology have been so rapid over recent years, that it is now possible for a surgeon, with the aid of computers and robotics, to perform
        an operation without actually being in the same country as the patient, let alone in the same room! And yet, we now accept these spectacular advances in human
        achievement as routine.
        If more advances have been made in the last one hundred years, the advances in the last thirty years have been truly phenomenal. This is the information and
        technology age and the two combined have advanced human potential to a staggering level.

        Very little is now beyond the grasp of man.
        Many discoveries, inventions and achievements are as a result of commitment and dogged determination, improving on existing prototypes and through what
        seems to be almost a process of natural development.
        Many though, have their origins in a form of inspired “infinite” intelligence that, although cannot yet be explained to the satisfaction of man, nonetheless have
        their place in history.

        Napoleon Hill was one of the most committed researchers in the field of human development. In the early part of the twentieth century, he spent twenty years
        of his life tracking down and conducting in depth interviews of 504 of the most successful people in he United States. He was commissioned to do this by
        Andrew Carnegie, who pioneered the American steel industry and was later responsible for the emergence of libraries. Mr Carnegie wanted Hill to discover    Page199
        what traits were shared by each of these men and women, what common factors did each possess that could be collectively responsible for so much success?
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