Page 202 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 202

some are now researching what they call complex, adaptive systems - systems that respond
        to the world around them, in ways that look a lot like learning. The whole process of
        evolution is clearly a learning process, a developing of new variations that work better, or
        work in new environments. Some people see evolution as the dynamic unfolding Great
        Story of the Living Universe and consciously celebrate and learn from it.
        Creativity is not the only tool in the toolbox of the super-conscious. It is also said to be the
        source of limitless free energy. It is the source of the surges of mental and physical energy
        that course through you in moments of extreme excitement, desire or even imminent danger.
        In Florida a number of years ago, a 68 year old grand-mother was working in the kitchen of
        her home. Her 40 year old son was working under his car which was jacked up. Suddenly,
        the jack gave way and the car fell onto his chest. He was in imminent danger of being killed.
        Hearing his cries of pain, she dashed out of the house and acted immediately. Grabbing the
        front bumper, she lifted the car off her sons’  chest, saving his life. Two neighbours
        witnessed the event. When asked about it later, she denied the event. She had completely
        deleted the incident from her memory because it was so far beyond what she knew her
        physical strength would normally allow her to do.

        They say a picture paints a thousand words. The largest part of an iceberg is out-of-sight,
        underwater – only one seventh to one ninth is actually visible above the surface. The
        largest ones tower as much as 400 feet above the surface of the ocean, with as much as
        3000 feet concealed beneath water level.

        What has this to do with the mind?
        It’s a great comparison with the levels of consciousness in our minds. Your conscious mind
        is represented by the visible element of the iceberg above the water line. Your subconscious
        mind is represented by the much larger, supportive part below the surface.

        But the largest part of our consciousness, as with the iceberg, lies outside of the known,
        measurable area. The infinity of the sky and space above the iceberg, is representative of
        the area we know least about, the infinite intelligence of the super-conscious mind.

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