Page 205 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 205

•  There is only one super-conscious mind (the Universal Mind), to which all of our minds are connected.
        •  It helps you to make good decisions, since it has Infinite Intelligence. It has all the answers you want to every question imaginable.
        •  It is the source of all true invention and creativity. Great inventors like Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein mastered the technique of receiving great ideas
            from the super-conscious mind. Where else you think they get all their innovative ideas from?
        •  It helps you achieve your goals. This is the function that I will talk more in a later chapter.

        The superconscious mind is like a mega computer that orchestrates the activities in every little computer connected to it. By impressing your goal upon
        your subconscious mind, your super-conscious responds accordingly. The energy vibrations you create ensure that the right people will start appearing in your
        life, opportunities will come and lessons will be provided to strengthen you if necessary. Everything will be set in motion to help you achieve your desire. Once
        you truly understand the concept of super-conscious mind power, you will realize that success is no longer a matter of luck.

        The proper mental approach

        Your super-conscious mind operates most effectively when you apply a mental attitude of faith and acceptance. Confidently expecting that your problems will
        be solved, obstacles removed, and your goals achieved, is the mental approach that intensifies the rate of the energy vibration of your thought and causes your
        super-conscious mind to function at its optimum level for you.

        It is only when you are completely relaxed about the intended outcome of a given situation that matters will begin to resolve themselves. Expect the unexpected.
        The outcome, however, will always be everything that you ask for, and sometimes it will exceed your expectations. Strangely though, it seems that the simpler
        the instructions you give it and the harder you "don't try," the more effectively your super-conscious mind works in bringing you the things you desire.


        Napoleon Hill called faith, the “chemist of the mind”. When faith is blended with thought, the subconscious mind received the vibration, transforming it into
        its spiritual equivalent, and transmits it to the infinite intelligence of the super-conscious mind.

                When faith, love, desire and thoughts are directed toward the super-conscious mind they are the most powerful combination known to man. With faith
                in the process, and in the ultimate power of the mind mixed with love and directed thought, anything is possible. Without faith, we are at the mercy of
                weakened desire and misdirected thought.

        All great men and women are people of faith. They develop the almost childlike ability to entrust themselves to the goodness of the universe, with the simple
        faith that everything will unfold as it should, in its own time. They have an attitude of calmness and confidence and a belief that there is a power greater than
        themselves that is helping them. All strains of negativity, anger, worry or impatience shuts down your super-conscious mind, diminishing your powers. It
        confuses the messages you are sending from your conscious to your subconscious mind. Destructive emotions of any kind interfere with the calm, positive     Page205
        attitude your super-conscious requires for optimal functioning.
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