Page 208 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 208

However, if you prepare yourself gradually, growing and maturing as a person internally as you increase your capacity to produce externally, when you finally
        reach the stage in life you were want to be, as a result of money, vibrant health, the true love of your life, a successful business or career, or a healthier attitude,
        then and only then, will you be equipped to hold onto it indefinitely.

        One step beyond

        Almost all the great successes and happiness in life, the greatest loves, the greatest achievements, the most significant discoveries, is to be found “One Step
        Beyond” what you might consider to be your greatest failure in that area. Almost all of the great men interviewed by Napoleon Hill confirmed that it was when
        every outward sign suggested they should give up that they were the closest to actually acquiring what they desired. Faith and persistence will prevail.

        It is almost as if your super-conscious mind is giving you one last test, to check that your level of desire is “white hot”, that this is really what you want.

                Almost everything worthwhile that you have accomplished in life will have been preceded by difficulties, disappointment and temporary failure. There
                is no such thing as failure, there are only results. You may want better results and that’s ok, but a result only becomes a failure when you finally stop
                trying and give up when there remains an opportunity to succeed.

        We could all learn lessons in patience from the super-conscious mind. Where we are anxious to “have it now”, the super conscious mind will not allow it until
        we are truly ready. If all of the lessons that must be learned along the way have not been learned, if all of the experiences that must be gained have not been
        gained, the super-conscious mind will send you back over the lesson until you finally get it. Whether it relates to money, love, relationships, business or health,
        in fact any area of life, your super-conscious mind will only allow you to proceed when it knows you are truly ready.

        Creative visualisation is a tremendously effective way of accessing the super-conscious mind, and brings into play, elements of every chapter you will have
        read in this project. I will not try to kid you, the process although simple, cannot be short circuited. The Law of Attraction comes into play here, the quality of
        what you put into something will have a direct effect on the quality of what you receive in return. Once again, garbage in = garbage out.

                As your conscious mind impresses your desire upon your subconscious mind, your subconscious mind will impress it upon the super-conscious mind
                which will then conspire to make it happen. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen".

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