Page 220 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 220

1.Distilled Water                   2.Appreciation               3.You make me sick

                   1.  A randomly selected sample of distilled water
                   2.  Water crystals formed in the presence of the words “Love and Appreciation”
                   3.  Water crystals formed in the presence of words “You make me sick, I want to kill you”.

        If the differing vibrating energy frequencies of words can have this dramatic effect on water, imagine the impact on your life, (the human body is 75% water),
        of purposefully directed doses of appreciative vibration. This research is documented in Masaru Emoto’s book “The Hidden Messages in Water” Negative
        thoughts and feelings also cause energy blockages in our meridians and chakras, this can cause disease in the human body. It is only when we realise that all
        things at their source are energy, and that all things, INCLUDING THOUGHT ENERGY, can interact with each other at that level, that such a phenomenon
        can make sense to us.

        Have you ever felt miserable, then entered a room full of joyous vibrant people and found your energy and spirits uplifted by the atmosphere? Up to 60% of
        the human adult body is water. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs
        are about 83% water. Little wonder then how our energy is influenced by the positive (and negative) energy of others.

        Head – Heart Entrainment

        Nowhere is the incredible energy power of appreciation more noticeable than through our most basic of functions, the beating of our hearts and the workings
        of our brains. In the research experiments that follow, the impact of the energy of appreciation is unmistakable.
        Entrainment is the process whereby one frequency of vibration aligns with or matches another.

        A chaotic, disordered heart rhythm can result from feeling negative energy emotions such as anger, fear and jealousy. This can cause a physical chain reaction,
        with blood vessels contracting, blood pressure rising and increasing the possibility of heart disease and stroke. Harmonious heart rhythms support good
        cardiovascular health, enhancing the immune system and improving hormonal balance. Harmonious rhythms of energy have been identified when we are
        experiencing loving, appreciative feelings.

        In his book, “Healing the Hardware of the Soul”, Dr Daniel Amen studied the brain differences between sadness and happiness, which was reported in the      Page220
        American Journal of Psychiatry in 1995.  Dr Amen, a psychiatrist and neuroscientist, demonstrated how our thoughts and feelings impact directly upon our
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