Page 286 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 286

It is important from the outset that you be as specific and detailed as you can regarding what you want. With a definite, specific goal, you can more accurately
        visualise exactly what it is that will make you happy, and more likely to attract it into your life with the appropriate action.
        As the quote at the beginning states, without goals you drift through life, effectively giving up control and therefore, allowing other people or outside events
        to shape your destiny. This can in turn lead to frustration, anger, stress and even depression. Would you rather create your own destiny, or be a part of someone

        While many people have goals relating to their work, few spend time setting goals for all the other areas of their lives.

        Some people will associate having goals with material possessions i.e. a mansion with a pool, lots of money, a sports car, designer clothes etc. However for
        people who are not motivated by such possessions, there mere idea of setting them puts them in conflict, because they may not be aware that goal setting is
        holistic, covering all elements of life. There’s nothing wrong with material goals, but in order to achieve that balanced life we talked of earlier in the project,
        goals need to be set in  all areas, for example, family,  friends, social, health, spiritual, financial, health and well-being, significant other and physical

        This may be your first foray into goal setting or you may have tried before without success. We will look at the common reasons why people fail in their efforts
        to set and accomplish goals later. By deliberately placing goals toward the end of the project, we have provided ourselves with the best opportunity to acquire
        as much contributory information as we can before sitting down to complete this life changing exercise.

        Use the Power Of Your Subconscious Mind To Set Your Goals

        Your subconscious mind cannot distinguish between truth and fantasy, or right and wrong – it simply accepts verbal input from your conscious mind as absolute
        truth regardless of the reality. It repeats and replays the commands you give it. All you need to do therefore, is convince it that your desire already exists.

        We have explored the power of the human mind in an earlier chapter and you might wish to revisit those pages to boost your efforts in goal setting.

        It is estimated that the average person has between 30,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day. Please understand that every thought you have is either moving you
        towards your goals and who you want to become or it moves you away from them. There is no neutral position. Every thought counts. That’s quite frightening
        when you realise that of those 30,000 to 60,000 daily thoughts, approximately 85% are repeats from the past – and of that 85%, through our conditioning and
        lack of prior thought control, more than three quarters of them are negative!

        The subconscious mind is like fertile soil – it will accommodate and germinate any seed you consistently plant there, be it positive or negative! This adds new
        meaning to the term “Be careful what you think about!”. As they say in computer language “garbage In – garbage out”. If negative seeds are planted consistently,
        you mustn’t be surprised when negativity is what comes back. Happily, the same can be said for positive seeds. If you plant positivity, that’s what you will get
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