Page 295 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 295

There are many books, workshops etc on goal-setting and you may have your preferred method. Return to the section on values. Establishing core values is your
        first step before goal setting.

        "You must intensely desire that which you seek i.e. love, because you will automatically attract to you that which you love. It is impossible to desire something
        strongly that is not congruent with your basic values in life as you cannot love that which you do not value".

        Think of a salesperson who lists 'Family' at the top of their Values and 'Health' second. They have a goal of being the top salesperson in their field, earning
        £200,000 per annum.  In order to achieve the goal, they choose to travel for 10 months of the year, working 14 hour days, eating fast food for lunch and
        business dinners with clients in the evening.  When they are at home, they play golf with the MD and the rest of the time they sleep or watch TV.  What conflict
        exists here?

        Stephen Covey's quote of "climbing to the top of the ladder of success then realising it's leaning against the wrong wall"  comes to mind.

        Now go back to the Values Chapter, and if you haven't completed the exercise to establish your Core Values, do so now.


        And so we come to the PATHWAY to Goal Achievement.  All that is written above is contained in the mnemonic PATHWAY:

            P  URPOSE

            A  TTITUDE

            T  RUST

            H  ONESTY

            W  AY FORWARD

            A  CTION

            Y  OU DESERVE IT!

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