Page 300 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 300

A diamond does not need another diamond to shine. When we “let go” of another person and genuinely carry on with passion about our life, we begin to glow
        or shine like a diamond. The other person somehow “senses” this, and “feels” our shining energy. Now you’re attractive, because you aren’t tugging any longer.
        You are glowing, and this is the reason the other person comes back – they truly find your glowing radiance attractive, admirable, and desirable.

        The big news is that this cannot be faked, or played as a game. You can’t “try to get” another person and simultaneously be an independently glowing and
        radiant diamond. Your sense of self must be real, and your need for the other person truly has to be replaced with all that you create in your life, from the inside
        out that brings you authentic joy.  People are not our possessions. We do not “own” anyone, we each belong to the universe. The more you “want” to be with
        the other person, the farther away you are going to push them. The greatest thing to “want” is personal freedom and a renewal of mind that authentically
        changes your view to one where you have a deep appreciation for who you are, along with a complete release of any self-judgment or recrimination, as well as
        releasing any judgment on the other person.

        People are all diamonds deep within. The true nature of humanity is of light and goodness. Some people may just have different preferences, or they may have
        wounds from traumatic situations earlier in life where they took on self-protective methods to cope, and don’t really know how to be in a healthy relationship.
        So there cannot be blame, but only compassion. By understanding this, it can help to free you from pain if a relationship of any kind is not going according to
        your preferences. You have to live according to your preferences, and truly “let go” of trying to get another to see your perspective. People have to come to
        their own realisations in their own time. Sometimes they may never come to realisations, or grow at the rate you would like them to. However, you are not in
        this life to try to get others to see your view. All you can do is live your view for you, and set an example by being your highest and best, as well as seeing that
        you are here to make a difference in this world, however large or small.

        Always say “yes” to what the universe is showing you, and realise that there is a gift of growth and awakening behind any seeming negative situation. Do not
        fight it, but welcome and embrace it. Then you will come to inner peace with it all, which is the greatest way a life can be lived – with inner peace.

        Be grateful if someone leaves your life, and thank him or her for any difference they have made. Once you view the situation as the gift that it is, you are truly
        free. This is an exhilarating feeling. Then, should fate or the course of life show you the return of someone you were once dearly close to, you can take it
        extremely slowly to see if you choose to open the door again.

        Every choice must be made according to the genuine truth in your heart. Your choices must reflect your highest and best views for all concerned, while you
        maintain a solid sense of self, along with care for all others. Should someone return to you after you have parted, it is perfectly okay to let him or her know
        that you aren’t sure if you want to be together again. It is okay to wait, and carry on with your life, rather than rush into anything.

        The Art of Living with PASSION
        So, what are you passionate about - what do you care deeply about?

        Though passion comes from the heart, living it is also an act of the will. Everyone can live with passion. Perhaps you're wondering how.
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