Page 214 - Once a copper 10 03 2020
P. 214

The story got better still. A few days later Terry heard that Popeye was hiding
               out at his mates house in Short Heath Road.  His mate (aka Jolly) was also a
               prolific burglar. At the house we were allowed in by Jolly’s mum, a fiery
               Irishwoman who swore like a sailor every minute we were there. Confident we
               would find nothing she allowed us to search the property. This was where I
               was to learn a big lesson about how devious people will be when trying to
               evade justice. In an upstairs bedroom I had a quick look around, saw a pile
               of clothes in the base of the wardrobe no more than 12” high and thought
               nothing of it. Terry came in and asked if I’d found anything. Before I could
               answer we both saw the pile of clothing move slightly. Terry leaned forward
               and pulled up the clothes revealing Popeye hiding, bent double like a circus
               contortionist. Ever the magnanimous type, Terry gestured to me to nick him
               which I did. Popeye, though small was built like a brick shit house. I didn’t
               want the embarrassment of missing him first time compounded by him
               escaping, so he got the bracelets (handcuffs) to wear back to the nick. In
               fairness to Popeye, he was very apologetic when we told him his victim was a
               pregnant single woman, and before putting him in the car, he told us where
               all the stolen presents were.

               I got the greatest pleasure restoring the stolen items to the unfortunate young
               woman whose Christmas now looked decidedly happier. Popeye got six
               months for that little escapade. The courts don’t like vulnerable women being
               victimised.  I was to meet Muscles and Jolly again on numerous occasions.

               Figure 96 The CID Team 1985/6 (As a keen photographer, I took the photo!)
               Front Row L/R DS Bernie Cheek, WPC Chris Gibson DCI Sid Law , DI ‘Cloughie Moore’ WDC Kerry Pemberton, DS Bob Sturdy
               Middle Row: L/R DC’s Ian Jones, Ray Bird, Derek Forest, Brian ‘Beakie’ Breakwell, Jon Raby, Gordon ‘Olly’ Ollerenshaw,        Page214
               Back Row: L/R DC Dave Storr, PC Gavin Buckley, DC’s John Woolam, Mark Owen, Mark Webster, Cliff Wesley.
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