Page 218 - Once a copper 10 03 2020
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making sure we didn’t step over the line with is clients and on many
               occasions thwarted our efforts to bring his boys to justice. There would be
               many a battle between us but mutual respect remained and we won more
               than we lost with him. Occasionally, very occasionally, when the evidence
               against one of his clients was so overwhelming, he would have quiet talk with
               them and a co-operative admission would follow, resulting in crime being
               solved in the way we preferred.

               Throughout the summer of 1986 Josh was to keep Derek and myself very busy
               with his antics, nicking cars, smashing into shops and stealing what he could
               carry away. The frustrating part was no matter how many offences we
               caught him for, because he was a juvenile (under 17) the courts had no
               power to send him to a prison, they could only send him to detention centres
               where he was free to walk out whenever he chose. We’d lock him up on
               night, keep him in the cells, take him before court next day when they’d send
               him to a DC. We knew we’d see him back at it that very night so it was easy
               pickings, but frustrating because of the inconvenience he caused so many
               victims of his crimes.

               Within a few short months, our team was busy almost every day with mainly
               self-initiated enquiries and arrests and I was exactly where I wanted to be, at
               my happiest and most fulfilled, all that was missing was the security of my
               future as a Detective. Promotion aside, I could think of no reason why I would
               want to o back to uniform, I was loving locking villains up too much to
               consider promotion.

               Professional burglary is a crime that is often dramatized in movies. The
               Hollywood master thief would drive expensive cars and live a rich lifestyle,
               only to commit daring and creative heists by night. Movie burglars can
               routinely dance between laser beams, or abseil down buildings, to
               accomplish a clean getaway. This may seem like a meaningless fantasy to
               some, but throughout history there are examples of amazing individuals who
               made it big in the art of theft.
               Charles (Charlie) Peace is commonly cited as one of the most prolific cat-
               burglars in history. He broke into thousands of houses during his lifetime, and
               maintained his criminal activity throughout his natural life. He was born in
               Sheffield, England, in 1832, though he earned his infamous reputation for
               burglaries committed while living in London. Peace was also a violent
               individual and he committed various murders during his lifetime, and often
               attempted to kill police officers who took him into custody.

               Peace started off his life of crime in Sheffield, where he was convicted of
               stealing a gold watch from an elderly man’s home. Over the following two
               decades he was constantly in and out of jail for sophisticated burglaries in                       Page218
               Manchester, Kingston upon Hull and Doncaster. He became a wanted
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