Page 59 - Once a copper 10 03 2020
P. 59

Early in the course our basic fitness was tested with a cross country run. Whilst
               not known for my athletic prowess, I was pleased to finish in the top half of
               the group.

               The weeks passed so quickly now and before I knew it, it was week 9 and I
               was cramming all I’d learnt in the last 9 weeks in preparation for the big final
               exam on Monday of the 10  week. Everything rested on this. Fail and you
               would be back-coursed, i.e. made to join the junior course as they started
               week 6. There was no way I was going to let myself down on that score,
               having passed every weekly exam up to that point.

               I found studying in that cell of a room difficult. Others who were able to
               absorb, retain, repeat and apply complicated pieces of legislation better
               than me would often be down the student bar or even off camp at the local
               pub each night. Still they could deliver the results on exam day. I relented my
               self-discipline one week and went out for a drink each night, only to see my
               league table position drop in the following Monday’s exam. I vowed I would
               not weaken again, and I stuck to it.

               Everyone’s study technique varied. Sometimes we would buddy up, testing
               each other. My method was the hard way, repetition until it sunk in, together
               with tapes of all the legislation we had to learn, kindly recorded by my other
               half at weekends. I used to fall asleep with her voice ringing in my ears, but I
               found myself wishing she was saying something other than he definition of

               Week 10 arrived, and all my efforts came to fruition, passing the last exam in
               the top half of the class and proud of having passed all 10 weeks. Not bad
               for someone of whom it had been said “a good brain if only he would put it
               to good use.” I felt I had proved something to myself as well as to my new

               A huge sense of relief swept over the class as we’d all passed and became a
               little de-mob happy.
               Dining-In Night

               Residential courses in the police culminate in a dining in night, which is a posh
               dinner and dance where everyone wears formal dress. A formal dress hire
               company arrived on site and those of us that didn’t have our own black-tie
               outfits hired them from this company.

               Suitably dressed in our monkey suits, the senior course of 4/80 took our seats in
               the dining room, pleasantly surprised to be served our meals by the very
               instructors who had put us though the mill these past ten weeks.  A thoroughly
               enjoyable night was had by all and it was with a mixture of excitement for the
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