Page 10 - 20.05.2016 Faktor 187
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10 I              I  20.5.2016.


                              Javno preduzeće                                           OBRAZOVANJE U REPUBLICI SRPSKOJ
                              ELEKTROPRIVREDA BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE

                                                                                             d.d. - Sarajevo
                                   INVITATION TO TENDER
                                                                     Sarajevo, 20.05.2016
               Country:  Bosnia and Herzegovina
               Project Name:    Wind Power Plant Podveležje
               Closing Date:    18.08.2016 at or before 12.00 o’clock a.m. (CEST)
               Ref. No.:     EPBiH-WPP Podvelezje-Lot1-1/16-KfW
               Funding Source:  KfW / EPBiH
               Type of Contract:  Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build for Electrical and
                             Mechanical Plant and for Building and Engineering Works Designed
                             by the Contractor (FIDIC Yellow Book)
               Type of notice:    Invitation to Tender

               The Project Executing Agency/Employer, JP ELEKTROPRIVREDA BOSNE i HERCEGOVI-
               NE d.d. - SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina (EPBiH), will use funds provided by KfW wi-
               thin the scope of German Financial Co-operation towards financing the implementation of the
               Project “Wind Power Plant Podveležje, Bosnia and Herzegovina”.
               The project comprises the execution, of the below supplies and services. The project is divided
               in three Lots, which will be awarded separately:
                                                                                       ČIVIĆ: Dugogodišnji problem
               Lot 1
                 vil works, electrical works, and WEC control system, including a 5 year operation and main- Bošnjački đaci
                 • Engineering, procurement, supply and construction of the 15 (fifteen) Wind Energy Conver-
                 ters of the 3MW platform, with the same rated unit power (in range 3,0MW – 3,2 MW) and
                 standard IEC class (IA or IIA) for each WEC, including their foundations and all relevant ci-
                 tenance contract (LTSA Contract).
                 on, including all relevant civil works, electrical works and Substation control system. prijete bojkotom
               Lot 2
                 • Engineering, procurement, supply and construction of a 30/110±10x1,5% kV substation, the
                 30kV power cabling, fibre optical cabling and earthing network between WECs and Substati-
                Lot 3
                 • Construction of the wind farm internal roads and crane platforms.
                                                                                             astupnici Narodne  đaci, jer im nije omogućeno  prinudne uprave u tu medijsku
               This Tender refers to Lot 1:                                                  skupštine RS-a usvo-  da izučavaju bosanski jezik,  kuću, za koju smatraju da je u
                                                                                             jili su Nacrt zakona o  a u narednom periodu će boj-  funkciji samo jedne stranke –
               The Tender Documents can be obtained as from May 20, 2016 for a non-refundable fee of EUR   Zosnovnom obrazova-  kotovati nastavu, ukoliko se  SNSD-a, te da, kako su tvrdili,
               200.00 and the Tender Documents will be transferred to your nominated address following the
               receipt by EPBiH of evidence that this payment has been completed. The payment evidence must   nju i vaspitanju u RS-u, kojim  taj dugogodišnji problem u  ne ispunjava uzuse javnog ser-
               be accompanied by a cover letter clearly stating the name of the company.   se u osnovne škole kao obave-  RS-u ne riješi. Najavljeno je  visa svih građana, piše Fena.
                                                                                       zna uvodi „mala matura“. Boš-  da će bošnjačka djeca i u ne-  Ministar prosvjete i kultu-
               Payment of this purchase price is to be made by bank transfer to:       njački zastupnici su još jednom  kim drugim mjestima u RS-u  re RS-a Dane Malešević nije
               Applicants from outside of Bosnia and Herzegovina:                      zatražili da prestane diskrimi-  bojkotovati nastavu, ukoliko  htio reći šta će pisati u đač-
               Vakufska banka d.d. Sarajevo,                                           nacija bošnjačke djece u ško-  im vlasti tog entiteta ne pri-  kim knjižicama i svjedočan-
               Account 1601060000004629,                                               lama u tom bh. entitetu, jer im  znaju pravo na bosanski jezik,  stvima kada je u pitanju jezik
               IBAN CODE: BA 391601020000013652,                                       nije omogućeno da pohađaju  koji će im biti upisan i u di-  koji izučavaju đaci bošnjačke
               BIC/SWIFT: VAKUBA22                                                     nastavu na bosanskom jeziku.  plome i đačke knjižice.  nacionalnosti.
               In favour of JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. Sarajevo                         Zastupnik Koalicije „Do-  U Parlamentu RS-a danas   -Vidjet ćemo šta će pisa-
               Payment instruction shall state that “all cost bear applicant” (our)
                                                                                       movina“ u NSRS-u Nedim  su usvojene izmjene i dopune  ti. Polako - kratko je rekao,
               Applicants from within Bosnia and Herzegovina:                          Čivić je rekao da je u Janji  Zakona o Radio-televiziji RS-  ponovivši tvrdnju da naziv
               Sparkasse bank d.d. Sarajevo                                            održan protest upozorenja u  a, ali ne i amandmani opozi-  bosanski jezik nije u skladu
               Account 1990490176075902                                                školi koju pohađaju bošnjački  cije, koji su tražili uvođenje  s Ustavnom RS-a.
               in favour of JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. Sarajevo
               The bank transfer is to be identified for the purpose of the “Purchase of the Tender Documents  PREDSTAVNIK UNICEF-a SA STUDENTIMA

               for the Wind Power Plant Podveležje - Lot 1”.
               The deadline for submission of Tenders for this Contract will be August 18, 2016, at or before   Sve zemlje su dužne
               12.00 o’clock a.m. (CEST) unless amended by written notice from EPBiH.
               A Pre-tender Meeting for this Contract shall be held at the address given below on June 29,   zaštititi djecu u pokretu
               2016, at 10:00 o’clock a.m. (CEST)
               The organized visit to the Facilities shall take place on June 30, 2016, at 11:00 o’clock a.m.   Djeca su posebno ranjiva
               (CEST) on the site.                                                     kada su u pokretu i svaka
               The tendering for this Contract shall be by means of international competitive tendering proce-  zemlja je dužna da u skladu
               dures in accordance with the requirements of the KfW Guidelines for the Procurement of Su-  sa Konvencijom o pravima
               pply and Work Contracts under Financial Cooperation with Developing Countries, and is open   djeteta, ali i konvencijama
               to Tenderers from all eligible countries. The criteria to be used in the evaluation of tenders inc-  koja tretiraju prava izbje-
               lude the legal, financial and technical capability of the Tenderers, the specific technical equip-  glica osigura ispunjavanje
               ment, systems and methods proposed, and the Tender Prices.              svih prava za njih, poručio
                                                                                       je predstavnik UNICEF-a za
               You are hereby advised that all requests for clarification of the Tender Documents and questions   BiH Ayman Abulaban.
               raised by you and which are to be answered during the Pre-tender Meeting are to be forwarded   Na predavanju koje je odr-
               in written form and submitted to EPBiH not later than June 20, 2016. Requests for clarificati-  žao na Fakultetu političkih
               on and questions received after this date may not be answered during the Pre-tender Meeting.
                                                                                       nauka u Sarajevu Abulaban je
               We trust that the above provides you with all the information you currently require, and look   govorio o izbjegličkog krizi i
               forward to meeting your representatives during the Pre-tender Meeting in Sarajevo.  zaštiti dječijih prava koja se u   Ayman Abulaban na Fakultetu političkih nauka u Sarajevu
                                                                                       takvoj situaciji često krše. Stu-
               The tenders must be accompanied by a Tender Security of EURO 1,000,000.  dentima je prezentirao načine  imala iskustvo izbjeglištva i  onih koji su željeli da se oko-
               Prospective Tenderers may obtain further information from, and inspect and acquire the Invita-  na koje je UNICEF odgovorio  na ovaj ili onaj način ste s tim  riste njihovom teškom situaci-
               tion to Tender at the following office address:                         na krizu izvještavajući o pravi-  povezani, tako da vjerujem da  jom - rekao je Abulaban obra-
                                                                                       ma djeteta i podizanju svijesti  bolje shvatate i sve ono kroz  ćajući se studentima.
               JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. Sarajevo                                    o važnosti provedbe Konven-  šta prolaze ljudi koji su bili   Dodao je da UNICEF po-
               Vilsonovo šetalište 15                                                  cije o pravima djeteta koju su  primorani da napuste svoje  država države u ispunjavanju
               71 000 Sarajevo                                                         usvojile sve zemlje i koju su  domove i upute se na „put ži-  njihovih obaveza u ovoj obla-
               Bosnia and Herzegovina                                                  u svim situacijama dužne da  vota“ tokom kojeg su išli pje-  sti i da svi donosioci odluka
               Fax: +387 33 75 10 33                                                   provode, objavio je portal Za-  šice, u autobusima, vozovima  moraju unaprijediti napore da
               Email:                                   i na druge načine, često izlože-  u potpunosti zaštite djecu u
               Mr. Edin Kasamović (PIU Director)                                         -I sami ste iz zemlje koja je  ni iskorištavanju krijumčara i  pokretu.    S. KA.
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