Page 17 - SFF Prilog
P. 17


                   Dresses and

             makeup weren’t
              important back

                 then, and the                                                           PAŠOVIĆ:

            stars of SFF were                                                            Emerged
                                                                                         under the
                  citizens who,                                                          siege and

             under sniper fire                                                           favored to

                  and shelling,                                                          this day
          rushed to cinemas             the copies expected, will arrive to   Film Festival in 1995, at the end

                                        Sarajevo, even in how many cin-  of the four-year siege of Sarajevo,
                                        emas screenings will be shown, if   time of madness and dimwitted,
                                        there shall be any, but that they   with a desire of helping the recon-
                                        are doing their best, hoping it   struction of civil society and thus
                                        will be all right.               preserve the cosmopolitan spirit
                                        - Sarajevo Film Festival was,    of the city.
                                        before all, made by the citizens   Two decades later, it has grown
                                        of Sarajevo, under siege. My idea   into an international film festival
                                        to start a film festival in besieged   with a special focus on the region
                                        Sarajevo would not have been     of South-East Europe (Albania,
                                        possible if thousands of citizens   Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan,
                                        of Bosnia and Herzegovina’       Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria,
                                        capital hadn’t literally risked their  Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Georgia,
                                        lives to come and watch films,   Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia,
                                        said Haris Pašović.              Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Ro-
                                        Dresses and makeup weren’t im-   mania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey),
                                        portant back then, and the stars   thanks to which films, talents, and
                                        of SFF were citizens who, under   future projects from the region
                                        sniper fire and shelling, rushed to  reach the center of attention of
                                        cinemas to watch movies.         the international film public. With
                                        - My Festival MESS team, com-    the intention of promoting a film
                                        posed of young people, mostly    creativity and authors within the
                                        women, who risked their lives to   region Sarajevo Film Festival also
                                        prepare films, was also a stellar   founded a regional co-production
                                        moment of the first Sarajevo Film  market “CineLink”.
                                        Festival. It is extraordinary that   - Sarajevo Film Festival serves as
                                        one project which originated     a common platform for film busi-
                                        under the siege remained popular  nesses from all over the region,
                                        even today - said Pašović.       setting high standards in festival
                                                                         organization, film promotion and
                                        Regional film business           presentation in South-East Eu-
                                        However, Obala Art Centar or-    rope - it was written at the official
                                        ganized the first official Sarajevo   website of the festival.

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