Page 3 - SFF Prilog
P. 3
Riječ direktora In words of Director
arajevo Film arajevo Film
Festival je veliki Festival is a great
S timski projekat. S team effort. The
Naravno da je pozicija position of the first man
prvog čovjeka u isto is at the same time pro-
vrijeme i profesionalno fessionally challenging,
izazovna, ali i beskraj- but also extremely re-
no odgovorna. Odmah sponsible. Immediately
po završetku jednog after the completion of
izdanja, počinju pri- one edition, prepara-
preme za naredni Fes- tions for the next festival
tival. Pripreme traju begin. Preparations last
cijelu godinu. Stalna all year. Permanent SFF
SFF ekipa broji oko team gathers about 15
15 ljudi u sarajevskom Mirsad Miro people in Sarajevo office
officeu i desetak inter- PURIVATRA and dozen international
nacionalnih saradnika. partners. However, when
Međutim, kada započnu intenzivne pripreme intensive preparations for the festival begin,
Festivala, našem timu pridruži se veliki broj a large number of associates join our team.
saradnika. Sarajevo Film Festival okuplja Sarajevo Film Festival brings together young
mlade ljude, a mnogi od njih imaju priliku people and many of them are given a chance
upravo na ovom festivalu doživjeti svoja right at the festival to acquire their first work
prva radna iskustva, kao volonteri ili hon- experience, as volunteers or part-time em-
orarni zaposlenici. Volonterski tim festivala ployees. Volunteer team of the festival gathers
broji oko 600 mladih ljudi, i zapravo je to around 600 young people, and in fact this
naša pokretačka snaga. Naravno, uz publiku is our driving force. The audience and our
i naše sugrađane koji su festival prihvatili fellow citizens, who have accepted the festival
kao svoj, te posjetom kinima, i toplim doče- as their own, visit theaters and give a warm
kom koji priređuju našim gostima, kreiraju welcome to our guests and create a special
posebnu atmosferu u danima festivala. atmosphere in the days of the festival. Obala
Obala Art Centar kao pokretač i orga- Art Center, being the initiator and organiz-
nizator Festivala svake godine kreće od er of the festival each year starts from the
nule aplicirajući na svim nivoima vlasti za scratch by applying to all levels of government
finansijska sredstva. Nažalost, udio podrške for funding. Unfortunately, the share of the
svih institucija vlasti, na svim nivoima se support of all the governmental institutions,
smanjuje iz godine u godinu. Na sreću SFF at all levels, decreases year by year. Fortunate-
kao jak brend uspijeva sačuvati svoje part- ly, SFF as a strong brand managed to preserve
nere i sponzore koji nam daju kontinuiranu its partners and sponsors, which provide us
podršku. Posebno nas raduje činjenica da with a continuous support. We are especially
su naše aplikacije ka evropskim fondovima pleased that our application towards Euro-
ocijenjene kao top pet – tamo gdje se cijeni pean funds are rated as top five - where the
kvalitet, a politika nije nikakav odlučujući quality matters and politics isn’t a deciding
faktor. factor.