Page 11 - Letter to NAR LT
P. 11

From: John Dean <> Date: February 26, 2021 at 12:23:05 PM CST To: Trey Lamar <> Subject: SB2624Opposition.docx
Dear Trey,
You should have just received an email (pdf attachment below) from a group of very concerned Past Presidents of the MS Assn of Realtors, of which I am one, along with a growing list of other Realtor leaders expressing displeasure with the ill-conceived SB2624 which has now been assigned to House JudA. A rapidly growing number of experienced real estate professionals, when seeing the the bill’s flawed provisions, feel that the best course now is for SB2624 to be let die in JudA and after this legislative session, convene a joint work group composed of both MAR leaders and MREC commissioners to develop more sound legislative proposals for introduction next legislative session. This opinion is also held by a mutually close friend, Linda Brewer, whose husband, Jerry, was a past MAR President, as well. She has asked that I convey her strong disagreement with SB2624 as she is now on a long visit with her daughter, Jennifer, in Alexandria, VA. Linda further supplies her cell#662- 288-3600 if you should desire to call her in this regard.
I would like to personally discuss provisions of this bill with you if you might reply to my email with your cell number or text me at my cell #662-822-3877 in Leland.
The bottom line is that we ask your help in not allowing the referenced bill to go forward.
The real estate license law changes that the bill proposes would fundamentally alter the real estate regulatory system which continues to function exceedingly well since inception sixty-seven ago, assuring professionalism among licensees, adherence to license law and protection to the public. Quite frankly, SB2624 was hastily proposed and promoted by several practitioners who had been cited for real estate law violations and want easier paths around existing law for only their benefit.
Thank you for any assistance in helping the real estate profession handle this issue the right way. I will look for your response.
Cordially, John
John M. Dean, Jr.,ALC, CIPS LANDMART/Dean Land & Realty Co. 303 N. Broad St.
P. O. Drawer 272
Leland, MS 38756
662-686-7890 Fax
662-822-3877 Cell

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