Page 12 - Letter to NAR LT
P. 12
John Dean texts to CEO, January, attempts for resolution
Beth, as someone for whom I’ve greatly admired, I’m sorry to see you being ill-advised in having MAR push a greatly flawed bill (which as you are now becoming aware, had its conception through recent MAR leaders- -who should all have recused themselves from voting because of complaints registered at MREC.).
Her response:
Hi, John - I’ve been in strategic planning sessions the last two days and am trying to catch up tonight before all the committee meetings tomorrow. I have an enormous amount of respect and admiration for you! I’ve heard from several friends on both sides of this issue. As always, our role as Association staff is to implement the things the leadership and governing documents instruct us to do for our members, and we work hard to do that to the best of our ability. I can assure you that Dorothy and the EC are concerned with leading MAR through this challenge responsibly. Thank you for reaching out - I appreciate you! Beth Hansen, CEO, MAR
I just found the legislative priorities survey for 2020 that was done in '19. One comment about commission...that commissioners be elected rather than appointed for life....(which of course is not the case, as they are appointed to 4 year terms.)
My second text to Beth (March)
Hi Beth,
Please closely read the above FACTS (SB2624 Final Opposition) and consider the unwise path which our association is being led, fueled by an exaggerated and not completely factual narrative. If you say that your role is to follow governing documents, then I would suggest a closer read. Association leadership comes along in many forms and sometimes gets caught up in a frantic moment. While it is your job to hear their issues, it is also your responsibility to channel their youth and inexperience. By pushing the wrong message not only to our members, but also to the legislature our association is self-inflicting upon itself a devastating wound. MAR will be held in higher esteem in the long run by admitting second thoughts and immediately pulling support for the flawed bill in question and agreeing to work with all stakeholders to keep Realtor standards high and respected by the public. I feel you can do your part to make this happen. Thanks,
John M. Dean, Jr.,ALC, CIPS LANDMART/Dean Land & Realty No response since
The result by having MAR continue to support this
bill and the way MAR leadership has gone about it, will cause irreparable harm to our beloved
association. Do the right thing as CEO and have MAR pull legislative support before it’s too late
to save the great organization which you’ve had a part in building. Thanks, John