Page 22 - Letter to NAR LT
P. 22
Feba 24, 2021
Jd N Gle
707 Fe See
Cih MS 38834 jgle@bellh.e/662-808-5839
he Bi daed 2/21/21(e da afe i' aage), 2/11/21,
he saes, "I old be er ineresed o see nmbers from he commission for he nmber of oal complains for each of he pas fie ears and he resls of hese complains in he caegories of 1) no iolaion 2: agreed iolaion and discipline iho hearing 3) hearings on iolaion ih resls (pariclarl if an hearings before he commission hae resled in no iolaion rling 4) appeals b licensees of Commission rendered discipline."
I agree! These qesions and doens more need o be ansered b in he rsh o
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