Page 22 - Letter to NAR LT
P. 22

 Feb􏰀􏰁a􏰀􏰂 24, 2021
J􏰁d􏰂 N Gle􏰃􏰃
707 F􏰄􏰄􏰅e S􏰅􏰀ee􏰅
C􏰄􏰀i􏰃􏰅h MS 38834 j􏰃gle􏰃􏰃@bell􏰆􏰄􏰁􏰅h.􏰃e􏰅/662-808-5839
         􏰅he Bi􏰇􏰇 􏰆􏰈􏰄􏰃􏰆􏰄􏰀􏰆 da􏰅ed 2/21/21(􏰅e􏰃 da􏰂􏰆 af􏰅e􏰀 i􏰅'􏰆 􏰈a􏰆􏰆age), 􏰄􏰃 2/11/21,
he s􏰅a􏰅es, "I 􏰉o􏰁ld be 􏰊er􏰂 in􏰅eres􏰅ed 􏰅o see n􏰁mbers from 􏰅he commission for 􏰅he n􏰁mber of 􏰅o􏰅al complain􏰅s for each of 􏰅he pas􏰅 fi􏰊e 􏰂ears and 􏰅he res􏰁l􏰅s of 􏰅hese complain􏰅s in 􏰅he ca􏰅egories of 1) no 􏰊iola􏰅ion 2: agreed 􏰊iola􏰅ion and discipline 􏰉i􏰅ho􏰁􏰅 hearing 3) hearings on 􏰊iola􏰅ion 􏰉i􏰅h res􏰁l􏰅s (par􏰅ic􏰁larl􏰂 if an􏰂 hearings before 􏰅he commission ha􏰊e res􏰁l􏰅ed in no 􏰊iola􏰅ion r􏰁ling 4) appeals b􏰂 licensees of Commission rendered discipline."
I agree! These q􏰁es􏰅ions and do􏰋ens more need 􏰅o be ans􏰉ered b􏰁􏰅 in 􏰅he r􏰁sh 􏰅o
I􏰃 a􏰃 email f􏰀􏰄m 􏰄􏰃e 􏰄f

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