Page 24 - Letter to NAR LT
P. 24
The be ocome fo he blic i o allo hi Bill o die in commiee. I urge your consideration.
Thee i n URGENCY f he aage f SB2624 in he 2021 Sein hich in fac ha man mae cnide ha ae gen. Sel he He Jdicia A Cmmiee ha mch accmlih in hi Sein and can all ind and he blic he benefi f ime needed cnide i el.
I a aaab dc a cc ad dc. M c 662-808-5839.
Jd N Glenn, GRI, AHWD, Broker
Pas Presiden Mississippi Associaion of Realors
Pas Chairman Naional Associaion of Realors Legal Acion Commiee MARPAC Golden R