Page 26 - Letter to NAR LT
P. 26

Legislative Update - February 11, 2021 - Mississippi REALTORS®
SB 2624 allows licensees to continue to practice while they appeal a judgment from the Mississippi Real Estate Commission. This feature is crucial to licensees because the time of appeal may be weeks or months and licensees whose license is suspended are prevented from working while their appeal is pending.
The Mississippi Real Estate Commission may file a request to li# the supersedeas if they can prove by clear and convincing evidence that immediate and irreparable harm will or may occur if the licensee were to continue practicing.
A#er careful review and consideration of the committee substitute for SB 2624, MAR’s Legislative Advocacy Team (or LAT, the group responsible for “quick action” sometimes necessary during a legislative session) voted unanimously to support SB 2624 as amended because the bill will enhance the due process rights of licensees.
In order for the bill to remain alive, SB 2624 must be passed by the Senate by Thursday,
February11 .Thebillmustgothroughseveraladditionalstepsbeforebecominglaw.
In addition to the adopted 2021 Legislative Priorities, Mississippi REALTORS® government a"airs sta", in consultation with the Legislative Advocacy Team, monitors and takes action when necessary in order to act on legislation or policies that advance the mission and vision of the association. Here are some of the bills LAT has identified to this point (this is not a comprehensive list as bills may be amended throughout the legislative process):
SB 2602: Nonadmitted insurer policy fee; divert certain amount to fund fire trucks and fire apparatus/protection grants.
SB 2062: Rural Fire Truck Acquisition Assistance Program; authorize an additional round for counties and municipalities.
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