Page 27 - Letter to NAR LT
P. 27

Monday, March 15, 2021 at 05:38:14 Central Daylight Time
  Subject: Date: From: To:
CC: AEachments:
[Legisla)ve & Regulatory Affairs] 2/12/21 Legisla)ve Update Friday, February 12, 2021 at 9:25:59 PM Central Standard Time on behalf of Clarke Wise image002.jpg, ATT00001.txt
Good evening, Leg Reg members,
Friday, February 12, 2021 marks the 39th calendar day of the 2021 Regular Legisla)ve Session and the passage deadline for reconsidera)on and passage of general bills and cons)tu)onal amendments origina)ng in own house (House bills out of the House and Senate bills out of the Senate).
The next major deadline is Monday, February 15 . This deadline marks the last day to dispose of mo)ons to
reconsider general bills and cons)tu)onal amendments origina)ng in their own house.
On Thursday morning, the commi[ee subs)tute language for SB 2624 appeared for the first )me on the
legisla)ve website. As a reminder, the bill passed out of commi[ee on February 2nd with a conceptual amendment, but the language did not post un)l the 11th. On Thursday a`ernoon, Chairman Chris Caughman called up SB 2624 for considera)on by the full Senate. Senator Daniel Sparks was recognized to present the bill.
Senator Sparks presented the commi[ee subs)tute and explained the three-year pilot program for an impar)al third party administra)ve hearing officer appointed by the A[orney General. This would be an op)on for real estate licensees and home inspectors to exercise. Senator Sparks explained that licensees could also choose to request a hearing as real estate license law is currently wri[en.
Senator Walter Michel asked some ques)ons about the procedure. Senator Briggs Hopson asked some ques)ons about how the pilot program would be funded and Senator Sparks explained that the A[orney General’s office said this program would not require any addi)onal appropria)ons. Sparks men)oned that the format is used for 29 other boards, commissions, and state agencies.
Following the brief exchange, Senator Sparks moved for final passage by use of the morning roll call. The bill passed 44-4 with some REALTOR   Senators vo)ng Present because of the poten)al conflict of interest.
Since yesterday was a deadline day for the House and Senate, there was a lot of debate over bills (transporta)on, gender specifica)ons in sports, and medical marijuana). One of the hotly contested bills was the Medical Marijuana bill presented by Senator Blackwell. A`er the debate, the vote was taken, and the bill failed by one vote. The bill was held on a mo)on to reconsider. The Senate recessed un)l 11:45 pm. When
Immediately a`er that debate, Senator Blackwell entered a mo)on to adjourn un)l Monday.
MAR’s legisla)ve priori)es have been transmi[ed to the other chambers where they will be referred to their respec)ve commi[ee(s).
HB 352: Home inspector license; require applicants to undergo certain background checks
HB 1137: Ad valorem tax; revise certain provisions regarding the determina)on of true value of land used for agricultural purposes
SB 2627: Home Inspector license; require applicants to undergo certain background checks
they returned, a mo)on was made to adjourn un)l 12:01 am on Friday, February 12
Senate addressed some bills that were held on mo)ons to reconsider and then the Medical Marijuana bill was called up for reconsidera)on. The bill passed by 1 vote.
. At that )me, the
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