Page 7 - Letter to NAR LT
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2. The GAD discussed a similar bill as early as Jan 10, which would have given ample time to call a LegReg meeting for approval.
3. MAR members received a link to the first Legislative Update since July of 2020, on January 25, 2021.
4. Under the direction of LAT, The Gad was actively lobbying members of the legislature as soon as January 13, 2021 in favor of a bill that had not been published or reviewed with LegReg.
5. SB2624 was NOT an approved legislative priority.
6. In fact, our number one Legislative guideline reads: MAR Legislative/Regulatory Advocacy Guidelines
1. Real Estate Regulation. We strongly support the Mississippi Real Estate License
Law and the Mississippi Real Estate Commission in seeing that the law is complied with
by all licensees of the State of Mississippi. It is our desire and intent to keep a strong
and viable line of communication open between the Association and the Commission.
All changes in the license law and/or regulations shall be discussed between the
Mississippi Association of REALTORS® staff and the Real Estate Commission staff to
determine opinions as to their workability and feasibility, and such meetings should be
held with the full knowledge and involvement of the Mississippi Association of
REALTORS® Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Committee Chairman.
7. This has not been done! This is where it all breaks down.
8. On February 5, the LeGREg chair and member of LAT called a meeting of legreg to
discuss this issue and attempted to require an in-person meeting.
9. I repeatedly asked The GAD and the MAR attorney for the timeline of LAT meeting with any discussion of this proposal. Our attorney being paid by our dues said he couldn’t find the dates in his notes and maybe I could get it from the leg reg chair. Our GAD said he would get them to us before the meeting, actually before the meeting that was postponed. I texted Our CEO, and GAD for it well before the meeting asking for it and the text was completely ignored with no response and we didn’t see a timeline until the day of the meeting.
10. Then to squelch debate of this sensitive issue the leg reg chair sent this to members: “I respectfully ask members to refrain from debating these issues until we have an opportunity to meet as a committee. We are running dangerously close to improperly conducting our business via email and that was exactly what we were seeking to avoid by conducting an “in person” meeting. In accordance with Roberts Rules of Order, I would caution members against debating matters not properly before the committee until such time as we are in a suitable setting to do so and have proper motions, if any, to debate. Thank you for your assistance in this regard, Kris”
11. Since I have learned that after the gag order,
12. You will recognize a few of the things said below:
members of LAT divided the Leg Reg
roster and began calling those of you they thought they could influence.